New Mexico Republicans: People to Overturn Anti-Second Amendment Law
New Mexico’s Second Amendment supporters are doing more than passing Second Amendment sanctuary resolutions. The New Mexico Republicans are leading a movement to repeal the anti-Second Amendment law using the power of the people. [Read more…] about New Mexico Republicans: People to Overturn Anti-Second Amendment Law
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Dick’s Sporting Goods Doubles Down on Anti Gun Policies
In an earnings call on March 13, Dick’s Sporting Goods CEO Edward Stack told investors that the sporting goods retailer would stop selling firearms at 125 locations—roughly 17 percent of its stores in the US. Dick’s will replace these firearm sections with other categories, such as shoes and clothes. The newly vacant floor space will also be used to test experiential retail concepts such as in-store batting cages. [Read more…] about Dick’s Sporting Goods Doubles Down on Anti Gun Policies
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Critical Question: ‘What If Sheriffs Don’t Enforce Gun Laws?’
Amid what appears to be an insurrection of county sheriffs and county governing boards in several states against restrictive gun laws, Pacific Standard magazine has finally asked the proverbial “$64 question,” what happens next? [Read more…] about Critical Question: ‘What If Sheriffs Don’t Enforce Gun Laws?’
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Warning: Graphic Video All Gun Control Politicians Need to Watch
Chicago is a hotbed for pro gun control politicians. Crime and handgun violence rates are off the charts. Instead of blaming those responsible for the crime (as demonstrated in this video), politicians take the easy route and blame the lawful gun owners. The following is a story (and video) of an event that happened in January 2019. It shows a carload of young men in Chicago who, fortunately, were brazen enough to live stream their threats to kill a police officer if he dared to attempt a traffic stop. The entire video is disgusting, but one that should be forwarded to every politician and anti-gunner with a message stating that it is the violent and irresponsible criminals and their conduct that should be the subject of any additional regulations and laws—NOT guns and law abiding gun owners—there is a difference and nothing makes it more clear than this video. [Read more…] about Warning: Graphic Video All Gun Control Politicians Need to Watch
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Illinois: Protests Growing Against Gun Control
Illinois gun owners and rights activists are fired up. Protests are being organized against proposed gun control legislation that would outlaw so-called “assault weapons,” according to one of the state’s leading Second Amendment advocates, who says it’s part of the “sanctuary” movement, and it’s gathering momentum. [Read more…] about Illinois: Protests Growing Against Gun Control
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Democrats File Assault Weapons Ban 2019
Last week, the U.S. House Representatives introduced its grand new scheme for the iteration of an assault weapons ban. The exact language of the proposed legislation has not been released to date, but we have a glimpse thanks to pro gun control members of congress. [Read more…] about Democrats File Assault Weapons Ban 2019
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Bipartisan Bill to Repeal WA Gun Control
Ten Republicans and one Democrat have signed onto a bipartisan bill in the Washington State House of Representatives aimed at repealing the controversial gun control Initiative 1639. The 30-page measure was passed by the voters in November 2018. Currently, a majority of county sheriffs, at least one police chief, and two county commissions have come against the measure and refused to enforce its oppressive, and potentially unconstitutional, mandates. [Read more…] about Bipartisan Bill to Repeal WA Gun Control
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Murderer or Gun: Where Does the Fault Belong in Illinois?
Was it the gun’s fault when a disgruntled employee murdered five of his fellow coworkers and wounded five responding police officers? Who will the anti-gunners blame—the shooter who had been convicted of multiple violent crimes and served time in prison, the authorities that made it possible for him to “legally” buy the gun, or the gun? [Read more…] about Murderer or Gun: Where Does the Fault Belong in Illinois?
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Reuters: Empowered Dems Push Gun Control
Further reinforcing the image of Democrats as the party of gun control, Reuters reported over the weekend that the party is feeling its oats and pushing for stricter gun laws. [Read more…] about Reuters: Empowered Dems Push Gun Control
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NSSF: Working to Prevent Tragedies vs. Waiting to Exploit Them
Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has made no secret about her desire for more gun restrictions. She has prepared an a la carte menu of ideas from universal background checks to bans on “assault weapons” and standard capacity magazines to ending sales to those between the ages of 18 and 21. [Read more…] about NSSF: Working to Prevent Tragedies vs. Waiting to Exploit Them
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Gun Control Lawmakers Targeting Wrong People
Across the landscape this winter, lawmakers from Sarasota to San Francisco and Seattle are pressing for more gun control laws that opponents are uniformly labelling as extreme if not unconstitutional, and the proponents of these laws—uniformly Democrats—are getting a pass from the press when they offer the explanation that these new measures will reduce crime by keeping guns out of the wrong hands. [Read more…] about Gun Control Lawmakers Targeting Wrong People
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House Schedules ‘Gun Violence’ (Gun Control) Hearing
The Democrats are on a mission to make gun control an issue in the 2020 election. Rightly, the Democrats have blamed the Republican majorities for not being able to hold hearings on what they term ‘gun violence’ since the Democrats lost the majority in both Houses nearly a decade ago. [Read more…] about House Schedules ‘Gun Violence’ (Gun Control) Hearing
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Illinois: Gov. Pritzker Signs Firearm Registration & Dealer Licensing Bill
Within 48 hours of being sworn in, Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker signed Senate Bill 337 into law. The bill was passed by the previous legislature, but Republican Governor Bruce Rauner refused to sign it into law. Senate President John Cullerton previously made the unprecedented move of placing a procedural hold on the bill in order to avoid the possibility of a veto under the previous Governor, Bruce Rauner, and then removed the hold to send the bill to a newly inaugurated governor. Cullerton’s political tricks means SB 337 will now establish a firearm registry and likely shut down local gun stores in Illinois with government red tape. [Read more…] about Illinois: Gov. Pritzker Signs Firearm Registration & Dealer Licensing Bill
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Boston Mayor Wants Statewide Mandate That Doctors Must Ask If Patients Own Guns
Boston Mayor Martin Walsh wants to mandate that doctors teach patients about gun safety. It appears to be another Orwellian definition. Gun safety in these circumstances seems to mean getting rid of guns. There is no mention of using known gun safety experts who have been working on the subject for decades. From bizjournals.com: [Read more…] about Boston Mayor Wants Statewide Mandate That Doctors Must Ask If Patients Own Guns
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‘100 Days of Gun Control’ Begins at State, Federal Levels
Liberal Democrat Gov. Andrew Cuomo will push for more gun control in New York, a state that already has among the strictest gun laws in the nation; Democrats are pushing additional gun restrictions in Washington State, and on Capitol Hill, Democrats in Congress also want to clamp down on Second Amendment rights, and it will all happen in the next 100 days. [Read more…] about ‘100 Days of Gun Control’ Begins at State, Federal Levels
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Dem. Senators Introduce Assault Weapons Ban of 2019
I have a great many friends who are democrats and staunch supporters of the Second Amendment, but that is on a personal level. That being said, when it comes to politicians, Democrat seems to be synonymous with gun control and the assault on our Second Amendment rights. Today, the Democrats demonstrated that unity and showed their desire to strip us of our Second Amendment rights. You don’t have to take my word for it. Here is the the press release put out by longtime gun control advocate Sen. Dianne Feinstein.
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FL vs. WA — Crime Control vs. Gun Control
The Florida commission created to investigate the mass shooting at a Broward County high school in which 17 students and adults died last Feb. 14 dropped a bombshell recommendation that vetted volunteer and trained teachers be allowed to carry guns on campus, USA Today has confirmed. [Read more…] about FL vs. WA — Crime Control vs. Gun Control
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NSSF: Survey Shows Disconnect Between Rhetoric and Reality
Headlines over the past few weeks have centered around the top priority for incoming Democratic House leadership: gun control. Reading these, one would think that members of the new House majority were elected with a mandate to make it harder for law-abiding citizens to purchase and possess firearms. A new Gallup survey shows that the Democrats’ rhetoric is far from reality. [Read more…] about NSSF: Survey Shows Disconnect Between Rhetoric and Reality
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Gun Buybacks: Money Wasted or Well Spent?
Would you spend $500 for a gun? It depends on the gun right? Let’s rephrase the question. Would you pay $500 for a gun, sight unseen, condition and working order unknown? Of course not, and to be fair, the City of Maryland didn’t either. However, $500 is what the math worked out to for a bunch of guns mostly from elderly widows, or guns with little actual value anyway. [Read more…] about Gun Buybacks: Money Wasted or Well Spent?
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Another Gun Control, Sanctuary Fail
This week’s “reign of terror” initiated by a man identified as twice-deported ex-felon Gustavo Garcia-Ruiz demonstrated once again that California’s adopted “sanctuary” status and restrictive gun control laws have failed—some would add “miserably.” [Read more…] about Another Gun Control, Sanctuary Fail
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