Concealed Carry – To Appendix or Not to Appendix
Appendix carry in one form or another has been around almost as long as handguns have. It does have advantages, but there is some debate though about the greater potential for injury. [Read more…] about Concealed Carry – To Appendix or Not to Appendix
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The Myth of Iron Sights
Ever hear an old-timer talk about how you’re not a ‘real’ shooter unless you can hit a target without your newfangled optics? I have, and while there may be a hint of truth there, the sentiment isn’t entirely accurate. [Read more…] about The Myth of Iron Sights
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Breaking-In Your New Gun
Ever fire a used gun and notice that the action and the trigger feel super smooth with every shot? That’s almost always because it’s been well worn-in through continued use. [Read more…] about Breaking-In Your New Gun
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Brandishing & Self Defense
Making the call to defend yourself or your home with a firearm in the face of an attack or deadly threat may seem like a pretty straight-forward decision. A no-brainer, right? The problem is that there are a lot of factors involved that may make it more complicated than you might think. [Read more…] about Brandishing & Self Defense
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An Accident By Any Other Name
There was an incident in our area recently where someone at a range narrowly missed hitting their instructor with an accidental shot from their handgun. That’s how it was reported. The shot was unintentional for sure, but accidental maybe not so much. [Read more…] about An Accident By Any Other Name
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Hot Weather Shooting
Temperatures are rising and it’s time to be aware of what that heat can do to your weapons and your ammo. Aside from the basic safety practices that help to keep you and those around you safe – what and how you shoot will dictate how much attention you need to pay to the warmer weather. [Read more…] about Hot Weather Shooting
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Avoiding Scope Bite
Getting ‘scoped’ when shooting a rifle is always a risk, but it’s one that can be minimized if you take a few precautions. This injury goes by a few different names like Scope Bite or Scope Eye and it’s always a highly unpleasant experience for shooters at any level. [Read more…] about Avoiding Scope Bite
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Shooter Fitness
Now, no one is expecting you to go shirtless and get all oiled up to hit the range, but some attention should be paid to your fitness level to help get the best results. [Read more…] about Shooter Fitness
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Vehicle Concealed Carry
Presumably, you would wear your concealed, defensive handgun somewhere on you that would be the most comfortable and allow easy access in the case of an immediate need. What happens though, when you climb into your car or truck and that weapon is in a position that just isn’t practical? [Read more…] about Vehicle Concealed Carry
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Always Use Protection
I think you’d be hard-pressed to find any shooter that doesn’t understand the need for eye and hearing protection. It’s standard industry practice, most all reputable ranges insist on their use and it’s really just common sense. [Read more…] about Always Use Protection
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Just Breathe
There’s very little that we do in sports or other physical activity where controlled breathing doesn’t help – and shooting is no exception. [Read more…] about Just Breathe
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Know Your Muzzle Attachments
A lot of new gun owners often don’t fully understand the attachment at the end of their barrel and what it can and can’t do. Aside from a sound suppressor (which most everyone can recognize), a lot of these devices look pretty similar and can be hard to tell apart. [Read more…] about Know Your Muzzle Attachments
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Size Matters!
Shooting a gun that really fits well can make all the difference in the world. As a general rule though, off-the-shelf firearm models are manufactured for the ‘average’ shooter (for good reason), and you may end up with a less-than-ideal experience if you get a bad match. [Read more…] about Size Matters!
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The 12 Days of Home Protection
‘Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house…
…were a whole variety of security gaps that could ruin your holidays in the event of a break-in.
Hey, I know it doesn’t rhyme but you get the drift.
[Read more…] about The 12 Days of Home Protection
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Range Rules
Hitting the gun range for the first time can be exciting, but you’ll want to make sure that you’re at least somewhat familiar with how everything works before you get there. You don’t want to be unsafe in any way, or at the very least you don’t want to be that doofus newbie that everyone rolls their eyes at. There are also some basic rules that apply to even the most seasoned of shooters. [Read more…] about Range Rules
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Situational Awareness – Keep Your Head Up
There are certain places and times when it’s good to have an acute sense of what’s going on around you, in order to avoid potential risks to yourself and others. Situational awareness is a skill (and a habit) that helps to focus your attention on your surroundings and hopefully allows you to be better prepared for, or avoid, nasty encounters with those who may wish to do you harm. [Read more…] about Situational Awareness – Keep Your Head Up
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Center Mass Targeting
I had a police officer buddy lament recently that there had been some public push back on a shooting where a man had been wounded in a gunfire exchange during a robbery. He’d been hit in the chest (and will survive), but the talk was centered around the old ‘why couldn’t you just shoot him in the leg’ question. Not the first time that this one has come up and it probably won’t be the last.
[Read more…] about Center Mass Targeting
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Keep It Clean
Like any tool or equipment that you may own, keeping your firearms clean and in good working order goes a long way in maintaining optimal performance. Even a rank novice knows instinctively that ‘clean is good’ when it comes to your guns, but there are some elements of the process that may be misunderstood, not considered or that get forgotten about due to laziness or neglect.
[Read more…] about Keep It Clean
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Visual Cross Dominance & Shooting
The vast majority of people worldwide have a dominant hand that dictates what side they use to write, throw a ball, bat etc. and this would certainly include how they shoot. Very few are truly ambidextrous – and just like your hands, most have one eye that is more dominant than the other. [Read more…] about Visual Cross Dominance & Shooting
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For the Sport of It
For almost as long as people have been shooting, there has been a desire for opportunities to showcase individual talents and to engage in competitive events. From archers in ancient civilizations to the earliest matchlock and flintlock shooting competitions in Europe and early America, expert marksmanship has been a much-lauded skill over time. [Read more…] about For the Sport of It
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