Beat the Heat
As the summer heats up, your firearms can take a beating if you don’t pay attention to how you shoot, maintain and store them. [Read more…] about Beat the Heat
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Shooting on the Move
There are obviously a lot of situations where shooting from a static position is preferred, but this can be limiting if you require something a little more dynamic. Learning to effectively shoot while on the move is essential for some, and a good skill to have in threatening situations. [Read more…] about Shooting on the Move
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Long Distance Shooting – Technique Tips
It’s no surprise that shooting at longer distances is an art that requires both precision and patience. Whether you’re a competitive shooter or an avid hunter, mastering this skill requires a deep understanding of the fundamentals of shooting, including proper technique, equipment, and the environment. [Read more…] about Long Distance Shooting – Technique Tips
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The Importance of Firearms Training
Do you know anyone who is a gun owner and who has absolutely no idea what they’re doing? I know I do. Although some form of training is often undertaken upon the purchase of a firearm, it’s the sharpening and maintaining of your skills over time that can be lacking. [Read more…] about The Importance of Firearms Training
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Keep Your Eyes Open
At any level, shooting is an activity that requires a great deal of focus and concentration – and one of the most basic decisions you’ll have to make is whether you shoot with one or both eyes open. Either method has their advantages and disadvantages, and it will ultimately come down to personal preference and how your vision is balanced. [Read more…] about Keep Your Eyes Open
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Tree Stand Hunting 2 (Location, Location, Location)
As we know, tree stands are an essential tool for hunters to create an advantage in their pursuit of game, and knowing where to set up is a key component in optimizing your chances of success out in the field. [Read more…] about Tree Stand Hunting 2 (Location, Location, Location)
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Surviving a Home Invasion
Break-ins and home invasions are obviously terrifying and are not things that we can control. What we can do however, is pro-actively take steps to secure our residences and react accordingly in the event of a breach. [Read more…] about Surviving a Home Invasion
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Common Firearms Malfunctions (and what to do about them)
As technologically advanced as modern guns are, you’d be hard-pressed to find any shooter who hasn’t had an issue here and there with equipment failure to some degree. It’s inevitable if you shoot long enough, but the key is to be able to quickly identify problems as they occur and safely remedy the situation. [Read more…] about Common Firearms Malfunctions (and what to do about them)
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A Shot in the Dark
Shooting in low light conditions can be challenging, but with the right techniques and equipment there’s little reason why you shouldn’t be able to effectively hit your targets. Whether you’re a seasoned marksman or new to the sport, there are a variety of things that you can do to improve your accuracy, even when the lighting is less than optimal. [Read more…] about A Shot in the Dark
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No Need To Miss Out On The Action
The enjoyment of shooting sports isn’t something that needs to be cast aside because of a physical disability. With the wide variety of equipment and resources available, most anyone can maintain these pursuits while taking advantage of the benefits. [Read more…] about No Need To Miss Out On The Action
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Long Range Shooting 1 – Guns & Gear
There’s nothing quite like hearing the distinctive ring of hitting a target at a longer distance. It’s a great feeling – and although accurate shots are certainly doable for the average shooter inside of 200 or 300 yards, beyond that you’ll need the skill and the tools necessary to meet the added challenge. [Read more…] about Long Range Shooting 1 – Guns & Gear
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Muzzle Control
Controlling exactly where your firearm is pointed at all times is a rule that typically ranks as number one or two on most gun safety lists. It’s an important practice for obvious reasons and it should absolutely never be underestimated. [Read more…] about Muzzle Control
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The Gift of Guns
A gun can be the perfect gift for someone who will both appreciate the gesture and ultimately be a responsible owner. There are however, a few things you need to know before you run off to your nearest dealer to make that purchase. [Read more…] about The Gift of Guns
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Bore Obstructions
Having anything in your bore other than a bullet flying out of it can be serious business. Even a small amount of foreign matter can be enough to cause a major (and potentially deadly) accident.
[Read more…] about Bore Obstructions
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Trigger Pull 101
Your trigger set up and pull weight can have as much influence on your accuracy as any other element of your equipment and shooting routine. It’s an important factor that can be easily overlooked, especially by beginners.
[Read more…] about Trigger Pull 101
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Feeling a Little Rusty?
[Read more…] about Feeling a Little Rusty?
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Tree Stand Basics
Whether you prefer to use a rifle or a bow, deer hunting season is a great time of year. Spending quality time outdoors is always beneficial – but it’s your experience, technique and having the right gear that will all help to successfully fill that tag. [Read more…] about Tree Stand Basics
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Time Is Not On Your Side
When it comes to the time it takes to effectively react to real life personal defense situations, the odds can be stacked against you. When every second counts, you’ll want to be prepared and ready to safely engage. [Read more…] about Time Is Not On Your Side
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Turkey Hunting 2 – The Return of the Gobbler
A few months ago we talked about turkey hunting and some of the elements that can lead to success. Now that Fall has arrived, it’s time to re-visit the subject with some more details. [Read more…] about Turkey Hunting 2 – The Return of the Gobbler
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Beware the Flinch
Flinching while you shoot is a very common phenomenon and it can definitely impact your performance and your enjoyment of the sport. Luckily there are some effective ways to minimize or eliminate the effects of this age-old reaction. [Read more…] about Beware the Flinch
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