Five Great Last-Minute Christmas Ideas for The Gunny in Your Life
Let’s face it. If you are reading this you are like over half of Americans, a procrastinator with your Christmas buying. Conveniently, I know a place that works really hard to have lots of cool stuff in stock for that gun loving person in your life. [Read more…] about Five Great Last-Minute Christmas Ideas for The Gunny in Your Life
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Hong Kong Versus the Second Amendment
I am sure you have heard the joke, “What did Californians use before candles? Electricity.” It is a cruel joke that is currently bordering on reality. Along a similar vein, what did the people of Hong Kong have before tyranny? Liberty. I will admit that the liberty they had during their rule by the English was not what we are used to. By the same token, what we are used to is much endangered these days, as well. Just look at the Kangaroo Court show trials in an attempt to impeach the President that we have going on; but that is another issue entirely. [Read more…] about Hong Kong Versus the Second Amendment
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The Evolution of the .30 Caliber
The .308 cartridge began life in the primordial swamps of… If you are reading this article, I really don’t need to tell you about the .308 round. You already know that it pulls triple duty as a machine gun round and a mid-length sniper round, and as the cartridge a few guys in the platoon use for those times when the 5.56 just isn’t enough. It was built (kinda sorta) to duplicate the .30-06 but in a much shorter action. It mostly succeeded and certainly took the .30-06 out of most military usage. What else do you need to say about the .30 caliber? [Read more…] about The Evolution of the .30 Caliber
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Ammo Storage and Transport
The military .30 caliber ammo can has many uses, but the primary use is ammo storage and transport. Imagine that! It’s almost as if they were made for it. However, my cans do not hold .30 caliber ammunition. I will go so far as to admit to the heresy of not owning any .308 rifles or ammo. For me, it is important to know how much of other calibers will fit in a .30 caliber ammo can, and how much they weigh when full. The numbers below are approximate, as this is using loose fill, so the space is not maximized. Depending on the caliber with careful (read as very time consuming) stacking add roughly 15-25%. Remember that also greatly increases the weight. [Read more…] about Ammo Storage and Transport
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Gun Confiscation? Molon Labe
Megan McCain went on The View. Not sure why anyone to the right of Mao would do that, but she did. While there, she openly and directly stated the confiscation of guns, specifically AR-15s “would result in violence.” Her message was meant to explain to the gun banners that Americans will tolerate bloviation but not implementation of certain things—and gun confiscation is high on that list. [Read more…] about Gun Confiscation? Molon Labe
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Anti-Gun Positions of Walmart, “I Ban Myself for Life!”
It wasn’t enough that the descendants of Sam Walton have pivoted radically away from the Made in the USA mantra, so Walmart could make money at any cost. The rot that invades much of the American corporate culture seems to have taken root there as well, capitulation to the social media masses. They now bow to the basement dwelling outrage mob who demands action, as in Mom’s Demand Action. [Read more…] about Anti-Gun Positions of Walmart, “I Ban Myself for Life!”
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Firearms at Theme Parks — Universal
I recently spent two weeks vacationing in Orlando. Orlando is a fairly gun friendly city, in a mostly gun friendly state. However, a huge asterisk must be applied when you are dealing with the theme parks. Let’s just say they are NOT gun friendly—at all. [Read more…] about Firearms at Theme Parks — Universal
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Self-Defense: We Must Do “Something”
The shootings in Dayton and El Paso were horrible events. People who were going about their lives were gunned down by deranged “people.” The fallen are a continued source of pain to those who miss them. The wounded will have mental and physical scars for the rest of their lives. My heart goes out to the families of the dead, the wounded, and those who were traumatized by being there, even if a bullet did not find them. [Read more…] about Self-Defense: We Must Do “Something”
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5 Gun Myths of Self-Defense
There are many self-defense gun myths that continue to make the rounds. I am going to pick five of them and explain why they are not true and why you should politely ignore or walk away from any trainer mouthing them. [Read more…] about 5 Gun Myths of Self-Defense
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Top 5 “Small” Carry Choices for Arthritic Hands
As we all know, none of us are getting any younger. My birthday is rapidly approaching, and I will barely remain under 50 years of age. I like to think that I am still close to my prime; but I can certainly see how my parents are no longer near their peak. This is very evident with my mother’s arthritic hands. [Read more…] about Top 5 “Small” Carry Choices for Arthritic Hands
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The Great Burning of the U.S. Republic
There has been a lot of talk in the news, the blogosphere, and pretty much everywhere else about the fire at Notre Dame. The fire was a bad thing, a very bad thing. Some of the discussion was good, some was ignorant, some just a bunch of hand wavium. [Read more…] about The Great Burning of the U.S. Republic
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The Four Boxes of Liberty
Classically, there are considered to be four boxes of Liberty. The four in ascending order of vigor are soap box, ballot box, jury box, and bullet box. Each deserves a bit of discussion here before we get what lies beyond them. [Read more…] about The Four Boxes of Liberty
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Op-Ed: We Need Leadership, but Do We Have It?
In order to lead, one must have an idea and a method for implementation. There are several things that resemble leadership; but, only one actually is. If you start with an idea, build it, and create a following; that is actual leadership. The process starts with an idea. That idea may be a good one or it may not. An example of a good idea and leadership: [Read more…] about Op-Ed: We Need Leadership, but Do We Have It?
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Illegal Gun Images
Destroy the Second Amendment, Then Target the First Amendment… Oh wait; Democrat, Florida State Senator Jason Pizzo, isn’t willing to wait on that process. He is going directly after the First Amendment as a means of destroying the Second Amendment via gun images. [Read more…] about Illegal Gun Images
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Op-ed: Home Invasion or No-Knock Raid
I will start out by saying I am not anti-cop. Nothing in this article should be construed as anti-law enforcement. My bonafides: My father worked as an executive in the state prison system for over 20 years. He is now long retired. My girlfriend is in the police academy and has been in various law enforcement positions for almost three years. She will soon be an SRO in the local school system. That being said, I am troubled by the prospect of a no-knock raid. [Read more…] about Op-ed: Home Invasion or No-Knock Raid
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Top Carry Pistols for Small Hands
One thing I noticed while working in a retail gun store, was that many people disregard ergonomics for new shooters. This was especially evident regarding carry pistols. I will state for the record, the best way to determine a good carry gun, is to personally handle the guns. This first step will immediately tell you which guns do not fit your hand. Once the list has been narrowed down, rent the remaining guns and let the mechanics of shooting tell you which is best. [Read more…] about Top Carry Pistols for Small Hands
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Choosing a Trunk or Truck Gun
Lots of people in the gun community have a trunk or truck gun. For most people, it is some type of beater rifle or shotgun. The theory is, “Why beat up a good gun by bouncing it around in the trunk?” Just throw a beater in there and forget about it. I am not a fan of that technique. [Read more…] about Choosing a Trunk or Truck Gun
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Top AR Pistol Braces
AR pistols have been around for a long time. They have been great range toys and a fun way to turn money into noise, if you didn’t mind the spray and pray method of shooting. Let’s face it, not all of us have or can use both hands well. Some of us use a cane, have had a stroke or tangled with an IED to the detriment of our hands. [Read more…] about Top AR Pistol Braces
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Keeping schools gun free?
There are many in the Education Industrial Complex who are outraged when anyone suggests teachers, other school employees, and carry permit holders have the option to legally carry a defensive firearm on school property. Their theory, “If there are no guns at school, there will be no school shootings.” Quite honestly, that is correct, except 300+ million guns aren’t going away, and criminals don’t follow the law. [Read more…] about Keeping schools gun free?
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Mentoring: Her First Deer Hunt
We had been talking about going hunting for 6 months. It all started one night when I opened the freezer and asked my girlfriend what she wanted for tomorrow’s dinner. She pointed at a freezer bag of “beef” and asked, pot roast? I replied that the roast in question would probably make a better venison roast. Her eyes got big; she smiled, and then asked if all that meat was venison? The conversation sidetracked into a discussion about deer and hunting, and how she had always kind of wanted to hunt, but no one was ever willing to take her. [Read more…] about Mentoring: Her First Deer Hunt
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