Wake Up – Midterms Matter
As kids are back to school and parents are getting back into a routine, I want to remind everyone that soon they are going to have an opportunity to shape Nevada and America unlike very few midterm elections before.
Nevada has the opportunity to elect a whole new executive branch that will shape the next four years. A new governor, lieutenant governor and attorney general are inevitable and whomever Nevada elects will have the task of assuring Nevada continues to be a place where both individuals and businesses can coexist and thrive. [Read more…] about Wake Up – Midterms Matter
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FBI Uniform Crime Report Weakens Gun Control Arguments
The FBI Uniform Crime Report for 2017 is out, and for gun prohibitionists, there is a bit of bad news in relation to the initiatives they are pushing to clamps down on so-called “assault rifles.” [Read more…] about FBI Uniform Crime Report Weakens Gun Control Arguments
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Federal Court: Gun Shop Owners Have Rights
In a small but significant smackdown of a California gun control law gone too far, a federal court judge this week struck down a section of the California state penal code that prohibits handgun advertising at a gun shop that would be visible from outside the store. [Read more…] about Federal Court: Gun Shop Owners Have Rights
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NPR: Education Department Report Inflates School Incidents
Larry Keane of the National Shooting Sports Foundation recently penned and article that covered an NPR report debunking the U.S. Department of Education’s Civil Rights Data Collection report which claimed there were nearly 240 schools that reported at least one school-related shooting in the 2015-2016 school year. It turns out, NPR could only confirm a total of 11 incidents. [Read more…] about NPR: Education Department Report Inflates School Incidents
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Feinstein Grills Kavanaugh: “Assault Weapons” Are Not in Common Use
Anti-gun Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein, during her morning questioning of Supreme Court Nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh, amid several disruptions, asserted that so-called “assault weapons” are “not in common use” and that such weapons have allegedly been used in “hundreds of school shootings.” [Read more…] about Feinstein Grills Kavanaugh: “Assault Weapons” Are Not in Common Use
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Anti-Gun Panic Attack Over School Funds for Guns
When the New York Times reported earlier this week that the U.S. Department of Education was “considering whether to allow states to use federal funding to purchase guns for educators, according to multiple people with knowledge of the plan,” it ignited hysteria among anti-gun Democrats and gun prohibition lobbying groups. [Read more…] about Anti-Gun Panic Attack Over School Funds for Guns

USA Today Reinforces, Democrats are ‘Party of Gun Control’
Recently, The Armory published ‘Gun Control a Third Rail of Democratic Campaigns.’ The story reported on groups calling for calling for Democrats to “embrace a bolder approach to restrictions on guns.” Now, USA Today is reporting that Democrats are “flooding the airwaves” with gun control advertising in the lead-up to the midterm elections. [Read more…] about USA Today Reinforces, Democrats are ‘Party of Gun Control’

Anti-Gun Group’s New PSA Misfires With “Family Fire”
The Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence has teamed up with the Ad Council to launch “End Family Fire,” a new national multi-platform campaign they say is designed to promote safe storage of firearms in the home. [Read more…] about Anti-Gun Group’s New PSA Misfires With “Family Fire”

How We Let Elected Officials Take Away Our Constitutional Rights – The National Firearms Act
Its 1934, and Franklin D. Roosevelt is the president, the United States is engulfed by the Great Depression with dustbowl storms sweeping across the U.S. prairies. The average annual income was $1,600, the cost of a gallon of gas was 10 cents a gallon, and the average cost to rent a house was $20 per month.
As the situation seemed hopeless, more and more people turned to anyone promising them a better life. At this time in history, the rising leaders used peoples’ fears and prejudices to rally support and create scapegoats for the world’s problems. Stalin is in power in the Soviet Union and begins the “Great Purge.” Germany’s recently elected Adolf Hitler declares himself “fuhrer” and absolute leader of the country.

Illinois Governor Signs New 72-Hour Wait Period Legislation
The debate over waiting periods, and whether they are effective, might take on a new dimension in Illinois, after Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner recently signed a bill establishing a 72-hour wait for the purchase of all firearms, according to the State Journal-Register. [Read more…] about Illinois Governor Signs New 72-Hour Wait Period Legislation

Kavanaugh: Let’s Ensure a 2A-Friendly Supreme Court
While the media and special interest groups on the left were losing their collective minds and spewing a host of unfounded accusations and threats against a Supreme Court Justice who had not even been selected, President Trump was finishing the selection process for the said nomination. While none of the finalists had a record of opposing citizen’s “Right to Keep and Bear Arms,” Judge Brett Kavanaugh arguably had the strongest record of supporting the Second Amendment. [Read more…] about Kavanaugh: Let’s Ensure a 2A-Friendly Supreme Court

Gun Control Petitions: “Full, True, and Correct?”
The Second Amendment Foundation and Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms today asked the Washington State Supreme Court to invalidate Initiative 1639 and enjoin the Secretary of State to reject the petitions on the grounds that petitions circulated by paid signature gatherers failed to meet state requirements for readability nor did they include a “full, true, and correct copy of the proposed measure printed on the reverse side.” [Read more…] about Gun Control Petitions: “Full, True, and Correct?”

The Next Supreme Court Justice
Conservatives and Second Amendment advocates moved quickly following the announcement by Supreme Court Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy of his impending retirement, urging President Donald Trump to nominate a ‘constitutional conservative’ and pro-Second Amendment jurist to fill the vacancy. [Read more…] about The Next Supreme Court Justice

GOA: Voice Your Outrage Over the ATF’s Threat to AR-15s
There is now less than two weeks left to comment, and voice your outrage, on ATF’s proposed regulations ban on bump stocks and semi-autos. For starters, the proposed regulations would ban bump stocks outright—and turn gun owners who fail to comply as instant felons. It would do this by classifying bump stocks as “machineguns.” And, under the Hughes Amendment (18 U.S.C. 922(o)), every “machinegun” manufactured after May, 1986, is banned for civilian use with no grandfather clause or grace period.
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Anti-Gun Cities Getting Free Legal
A little-known problem facing gun rights organizations is that the municipalities they sue often get free legal assistance that enables cities and towns to attack the gun rights of their citizens while rights groups lining up to fight have to pay their attorneys, throwing the cost of justice, if not the balance, in favor of the anti-gun cities. [Read more…] about Anti-Gun Cities Getting Free Legal

Court Grants Injunction Against Deerfield, IL Gun Ban
A circuit court judge in Lake County, Illinois has granted an injunction against the Chicago suburb of Deerfield, blocking the village from enforcing a ban on so-called “assault weapons.” This was a major victory for all gun owners as well as the Second Amendment Foundation. [Read more…] about Court Grants Injunction Against Deerfield, IL Gun Ban

DeVos Talks School Safety, Media and Dems Focus on Guns
When Education Secretary Betsy DeVos testified Tuesday before the Senate Appropriations Committee, it provided an opportunity to anti-gunners on Capitol Hill and in the media to show their priority is gun control, as revealed by coverage of her appearance with a focus on guns. [Read more…] about DeVos Talks School Safety, Media and Dems Focus on Guns

Anti Gunners: Use Any Tactic That Will Win
The American Spectator on Wednesday published a scathing analysis of recent school shootings and the Left’s knee-jerk response that takes the Obama administration’s education secretary to task for his “shoot-from-the-hip” reaction to the Santa Fe High School shooting in Texas. [Read more…] about Anti Gunners: Use Any Tactic That Will Win

New Rules Could be a Boon for Firearms Manufacturers
The Trump administration is attempting to reduce red tape for firearms manufacturers, which would allow them to be more profitable and compete on the international market. However, legislation has been introduced by anti-gun members of Congress that could derail the effort. [Read more…] about New Rules Could be a Boon for Firearms Manufacturers