Glock 19: A Marvel of Balance in Glock Perfection
A generation ago, if you walked into a gun shop and asked for a Model 19 you got a Smith and Wesson Combat Magnum. Today, the Model 19 is a 9mm Glock and it is probably more popular than the revolver was. The Glock 19 9mm is easily the best-balanced Glock in my opinion. While the original Glock 17 is a good shooter, reliable, and easy to carry on a uniform belt, the G19 is an ideal concealed carry pistol. [Read more…] about Glock 19: A Marvel of Balance in Glock Perfection
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Illumination and Imaging: Tools for Home Defense
Red dot sights, powerful combat lights, and self-luminous tritium sights are important parts of the home defender’s working tool box. How they are used is more important than how they are chosen. Just the same care in obtaining this gear pays big dividends in security. While skill at arms is purchased with a different currency, obtaining modern high-tech gear, such as thermal, gives the prepared defender an option. A combat light is useful not only for illumination but for identification. There are worse things than being shot, and shooting the wrong person is one of these. Lighting up the potential threat is important. [Read more…] about Illumination and Imaging: Tools for Home Defense
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Handguns: Choosing the Right Handgun Sights
I have noticed that discussions on combat handgun sights, combat shooting, and handguns are often hi-jacked by those with an embarrassing lack of experience. All they know is what they have read and much of that isn’t accurate. A shooter should study, true, but they should also gain practical experience and meet the instructor half way with this experience. [Read more…] about Handguns: Choosing the Right Handgun Sights
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SIG TACOPS 1911 — The Ideal 1911 for the Rest of Us
There is no more recognizable handgun than the 1911 .45. This iconic handgun has set the pace for combat excellence for over 100 years. Reliability, practical accuracy, fast handling, and knock down power are coupled with excellent human engineering. There are now many variants in size and caliber, but the original Government Model steel-frame handgun with a 5-inch barrel is arguably the most reliable and the best suited to combat use. The SIG TACOPS 1911 (Tactical Operations) handgun is a result of the intense development of the original 1911 design. [Read more…] about SIG TACOPS 1911 — The Ideal 1911 for the Rest of Us
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TruGlo Red Dot Sights: Affordable Quality
For general-purpose use such as hunting and home defense, there is the TruGlo Red Dot. This value option is easy to use well, great for beginners, effective for home defense, and affordable. I own more than one and keep one mounted on my home defense shotgun. [Read more…] about TruGlo Red Dot Sights: Affordable Quality

Gun Test: Model 870 Express Tactical Magpul
For most of my shooting life, I have relied upon a handful of firearms including the Colt 1911, Smith and Wesson Magnum revolvers, and the Remington 870 shotgun. Occasionally, I have purchased cheaper firearms and regretted it. Recently, I came across the Model 870 Express Tactical Magpul and have never looked back. [Read more…] about Gun Test: Model 870 Express Tactical Magpul