The Power of Dry Fire Practice 2
Dry fire practice offers a variety of benefits that can significantly enhance your shooting skill. In this edition, we’ll take a look at the specifics that will help to optimize shooting performance. [Read more…] about The Power of Dry Fire Practice 2
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Infrequent Shooters Guide to Staying Safe & Effective
For those of you who rarely get to use your firearms, there are some things to keep in-mind in order to perform well and to keep yourself (and those around you) safe whenever you do participate. Be sure to get the most of your shooting experience by applying some simple, common-sense principles before you head out. [Read more…] about Infrequent Shooters Guide to Staying Safe & Effective
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The Power of Dry Fire Practice 1
This often-overlooked training technique offers a variety of benefits that can significantly enhance your shooting skill. From accuracy to reaction time, there is something for everyone, whether you’re a seasoned shooter or a rank beginner. [Read more…] about The Power of Dry Fire Practice 1
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Handguns and CCW: Training and Re-Training
There is a lot of discussion concerning training. A lot of it revolves around choosing a trainer. There is much truth in this, as the trainer gets you started on the road to proficiency, but it is all your own responsibility in the end. You have graduated from the public school system—good or bad—and you can read, so you survived and perhaps have learned a great deal on your own. We all remember fantastic teachers who inspired us, and then there were the inept—so it is with firearms trainers. [Read more…] about Handguns and CCW: Training and Re-Training
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Range Report: Rossi RS22 Rifle
Like many of you I fired my first shots with a .22 rifle. It was some time before my grandfather allowed me to graduate from a single shot .22 to a self-loading rifle. The .22 self-loader is a great, all-around plinking, small game hunting, and training rifle. In many rural areas the .22 rifle is the first line of defense against predators both bipedal and quadraped. [Read more…] about Range Report: Rossi RS22 Rifle
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The Proper Use of Cover
The first thing to understand about cover is that the ability to stop bullets is greatly dependent on caliber. A sheet of plywood may act as cover for a .22 LR, but it certainly won’t for a 5.56 round. The concept applies for most objects other than things that are very solid or dense, such as vehicle engines. [Read more…] about The Proper Use of Cover
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The Double Tap — Are You Doing it Right?
Among the most misunderstood tactics in personal defense is the double tap. More than half of those practicing defense shooting execute the double tap incorrectly. Worse yet, it is most often taught incorrectly. [Read more…] about The Double Tap — Are You Doing it Right?
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Op-ed: Training and Values for Concealed Carry
There are many reasons for training. Training is a serious business but also a profitable business for many. A few genuinely train to save lives. Others train and go through the motions and seem to have lost contact with the reason we train. I maintain that training often reflects the individual’s personal values. [Read more…] about Op-ed: Training and Values for Concealed Carry
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The Diagram of a Gunfight
For some folks, the worst foreseeable experience is a car breakdown on a macadam road. A true close brush with death is another thing—it is like a brain enema. You think much differently and more clearly afterward. If we escape death, we are pleased with the results—ideal or not. Others have commented that before the event nothing was important and afterwards, everything was important. [Read more…] about The Diagram of a Gunfight
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Federal Syntech: Next Generation Training Ammunition
Ammunition manufacturers have made great strides when it comes to hunting and self-defense ammunition. Training ammunition, however, has progressed little. Oh sure, your can buy steel case ammunition or remanufactured ammunition at a decent price, but I am talking about training ammunition that still maintains its price point, but offers a technological advantage. Federal recently finished a years long development of a new practice load, and the American Eagle Syntech is well worth your time and effort to obtain and use. [Read more…] about Federal Syntech: Next Generation Training Ammunition