Gun Safety for Quarantined New Gun Owners
Exact numbers from the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System won’t be available for at least another week, but by all indications, there are potentially hundreds of thousands of new gun owners. Many could be owners who never held a gun until they stood in line, waited among the crowds and finally got their firearm. We want you all to know the tenets of gun safety. [Read more…] about Gun Safety for Quarantined New Gun Owners
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Democratic Debate Groupthink Drinks From the Same Dated Ideas
Call it gun control brain freeze. The Democratic presidential candidates pained themselves into contortions on the New Hampshire debate stage last week in what was clearly symptomatic of sucking on the straw of the same ice-cold talking point concoctions. It hurts the head just thinking about it. [Read more…] about Democratic Debate Groupthink Drinks From the Same Dated Ideas
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NSSF Launches “Gun Owners Care” Initiative
With gun owners increasingly the target of efforts to shame and disrespect them simply for exercising their constitutional right to own a firearm, the NSSF® is responding with a campaign to educate the public about the care gun owners have for their neighbors and communities. Visit the Gun Owners Care website to see how you can support this new initiative. [Read more…] about NSSF Launches “Gun Owners Care” Initiative
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Giving a Gun as a Gift — Legally
Hunting seasons are just around the corner, and the holidays will be here before you know it. As hunters, shooters, collectors, or just plain plinkers, it’s a natural instinct to want to share our enjoyment of firearms with others. What better way to do that than to make a gift of a firearm to a family member, close friend or relative? Just make sure you give the gun legally! Here’s how.
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Bloomberg: Anti-Gun Supreme Court Packing Agenda
Democratic presidential candidate New York Billionaire Michael Bloomberg is attempting to claw his way up from the bottom of the 2020 Presidential polls by promising to pack the Supreme Court with “pro-gun control judges” if elected president. [Read more…] about Bloomberg: Anti-Gun Supreme Court Packing Agenda
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Record NICS Checks Show Americans are Voting for Guns
There’s no denying it: Americans still value gun ownership. The total number of firearm background checks conducted on Nov. 29, 2019, was 202,465. That is the second-highest single day for the FBI National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) in history, dating back to 1998 when NICS was implemented. It also represents an 11 percent increase over last year’s Black Friday total. [Read more…] about Record NICS Checks Show Americans are Voting for Guns
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House Democrats Focus on Straws, not Solutions
As the argument surrounding gun control and the Second Amendment occupies daily space in the mainstream media as anti-gun zealots — especially House Democrats — resort to increasingly outlandish claims in order to get the attention they seek. Most recently, U.S. Rep. Cedric Richmond (D-La.) compared the current campaign to force new gun restrictions through Congress to efforts by some state and local governments to ban plastic straws. [Read more…] about House Democrats Focus on Straws, not Solutions
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The Democrats Really are Coming for Your Guns
What a difference three years makes. The first primary debates showed us just how far the Democrats have drifted on Second Amendment rights. Anti-gun politicians were once coy about their goals—that’s not so true today. President Barack Obama told PBS’s Gwen Ifill during a town hall in 2016, “And at no point have I ever, ever proposed confiscating guns from responsible gun owners. So it’s just not true.” Now the presumed front-runner, former Vice President Joe Biden has put the entire firearms manufacturing industry in his crosshairs. “Our enemy is the gun manufacturers, not the NRA, the gun manufacturers,” Biden said. [Read more…] about The Democrats Really are Coming for Your Guns
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How to Mount a Rifle Scope
At the beginning of the 20th century, telescopic sights, or scopes were rarely seen on firearms. Today, scopes are commonly mounted on rifles as well as many shotguns and handguns. There are many advantages to having a scope on your gun, including variable magnification that allows you to zoom in on distant objects, and “reticles” — the crosshairs within the scope — simplify aiming. Today, virtually all hunting rifles are “drilled and tapped,” which means they have holes drilled in the top of the receiver by the factory or a built-in “Weaver-style” or “Picatinny” rail that enable anyone to mount their own optic. [Read more…] about How to Mount a Rifle Scope
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Gun Control — Where Were the Usual Actors?
A murderous rampage – there simply isn’t a better definition of what happened last week at Tree of Life Synagogue. The murderer, and that is a key and honest description—not the “shooter” as the media has tried to downplay him to—killed at least 11 worshipers and wounded six more, including four of the responding police officers intent on stopping the murderer. [Read more…] about Gun Control — Where Were the Usual Actors?
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NSSF Releases Congressional Scorecard — Midterm Election
Republican or Democrat — that is all that is necessary for many voters to select the candidate. Others are single issue voters and support candidate based on their position on a particular issue. Personally, I would not put myself in either of these camps, but a candidate’s voting record on firearms plays a significant role as to who will get my vote in the next election. [Read more…] about NSSF Releases Congressional Scorecard — Midterm Election
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September: National Suicide Prevention Month
In recognition of National Suicide Prevention Month, the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) and Project ChildSafe are reminding gun owners that securely storing their firearms could help save the life of someone going through a difficult time. [Read more…] about September: National Suicide Prevention Month
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NPR: Education Department Report Inflates School Incidents
Larry Keane of the National Shooting Sports Foundation recently penned and article that covered an NPR report debunking the U.S. Department of Education’s Civil Rights Data Collection report which claimed there were nearly 240 schools that reported at least one school-related shooting in the 2015-2016 school year. It turns out, NPR could only confirm a total of 11 incidents. [Read more…] about NPR: Education Department Report Inflates School Incidents
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New Rules Could be a Boon for Firearms Manufacturers
The Trump administration is attempting to reduce red tape for firearms manufacturers, which would allow them to be more profitable and compete on the international market. However, legislation has been introduced by anti-gun members of Congress that could derail the effort. [Read more…] about New Rules Could be a Boon for Firearms Manufacturers

Illinois — Defeating Gun Control
It is not too often we get a chance to report on a state known for opposing the Second Amendment for doing the right thing and defeating gun control legislation. Recently, Illinois law makers passed a bill that would have all but resulted in the outright ruination of every gun retailer in the state. The State was attempting to, in essence, create its own FFL license complete with the fees and provisions it would set. [Read more…] about Illinois — Defeating Gun Control

Retired Supreme Court Justice Calls for Second Amendment Repeal
In the November 2016 election, gun-owning Americans turned out to tell the nation that their rights mattered. The election that prevented Hillary Clinton from entering the Oval Office also stopped her from packing the Supreme Court with justices who are hostile to the Second Amendment. [Read more…] about Retired Supreme Court Justice Calls for Second Amendment Repeal

March NICS Checks Spiked, SAF Credits ‘Gun Control Hysteria’
A spike in the number of initiated background checks in March, via the FBI’s National Instant Check System (NICS), reflects a significant increase in the number of people apparently interested in buying guns, and a major gun rights organization is crediting the wave of gun control hysteria following the shooting tragedy at a Florida high school. [Read more…] about March NICS Checks Spiked, SAF Credits ‘Gun Control Hysteria’

Do Anti-gun Sales Restrictions Violate Anti-Discrimination Laws?
Many of us have been thinking it, but an Oregon newspaper recently raised an interesting question. Are retailers that decide to arbitrarily raise the age for gun sales violating anti-discrimination laws? According to Willamette Week, a Portland-based alternative weekly, there are 17 Fred Meyer stores in the Beaver State that sell firearms. Bi-Mart also announced the change in policy. However, a retired Lane County judge, Jim Hargreaves, says the decision by retailers might slam head on into Oregon state law. Oregon law states that any person over 18 can purchase a gun, and that the anti-discrimination law says anybody of legal age can’t be denied something available to others. [Read more…] about Do Anti-gun Sales Restrictions Violate Anti-Discrimination Laws?

Preventing Theft of a Firearm in Your Vehicle
In response to the rising number of gun thefts from vehicles, the National Shooting Sports Foundation has produced a brochure designed to remind gun owners to take precautions when they must leave a firearm in their car or truck for any period of time. Preventing theft is, and should be, a paramount concern of every gun owner. [Read more…] about Preventing Theft of a Firearm in Your Vehicle

Misguided Doctors Think Gun Buyback Reduces Crime
Local governments and law enforcement agencies continue to host gun buyback events. Unfortunately, these groups apparently do not outgrow the myth of the effectiveness of gun buybacks. [Read more…] about Misguided Doctors Think Gun Buyback Reduces Crime