Midterms Are Here!
Mark your calendars; November, 8th, 2022.
Not since the Presidential race of 2016 between Trump and Clinton has there been a more anticipated election.
Republicans are still fuming over the events of November 2020, while Joe Biden isn’t making things easy for Democrats throughout the Union.
It’s a battle for The Hill. Early numbers suggest a red wave next month. [Read more…] about Midterms Are Here!
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Dems Debate Gun Control That Does Not Work, Demand More
In their second debate, Democratic presidential hopefuls appearing Tuesday night in Detroit pushed gun control in reaction to the shooting incident in Gilroy, California, but they called for the same “solutions” and Pete Buttigieg suggested more should be done, only by vaguely stating, “We know what to do, and it has not happened.” [Read more…] about Dems Debate Gun Control That Does Not Work, Demand More
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Gun Control Lobby Executive Blunt About Challenge Facing 2A Faithful
“Gun safety is going to be a defining issue for 2020,” Feinblatt said. “The gun safety movement has never been stronger and the gun rights movement has never been weaker.” Gun owners need to wake up before the election… [Read more…] about Gun Control Lobby Executive Blunt About Challenge Facing 2A Faithful
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Candidates’ (Mis)Understanding of 2A Alarming
Round 1 of the first Democrat candidates’ debates is history. If there is one thing upon which grassroots gun rights activists seem to agree, it’s that none of the democratic candidates on that Miami stage Wednesday evening had even a remote grasp of the Second Amendment, and what separates constitutionally-enumerated rights from government-regulated privileges. [Read more…] about Candidates’ (Mis)Understanding of 2A Alarming
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‘Keep Your Pistols, Rifles, Shotguns, But…’
In remarks reminiscent of the promises of a former president who assured Americans they could keep their doctors and health care plans, Democratic presidential hopeful Rep. Eric Swalwell brought his gun control demagoguery to Debate Night No. 2, insisting, “Keep your pistols, keep your rifles, keep your shotguns, but we can take the most dangerous weapons from the most dangerous people.” [Read more…] about ‘Keep Your Pistols, Rifles, Shotguns, But…’
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‘Activists’ Force Dem Candidates to Take Stand on Gun Control
Anti-gun activists have “forced” Democrat candidates for president to “take a stand on gun control,” according to a Yahoo News report, and they all seem to be scrambling to stake out their positions, the more far-reaching the better. [Read more…] about ‘Activists’ Force Dem Candidates to Take Stand on Gun Control
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Kamala Won’t Be Out-Anti-Gunned, Wants Semi-Auto Import Ban
Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) said Wednesday that if she becomes president in the 2020 election, she will take executive action to ban the importation of so-called “assault weapons,” reiterating what she has said previously about her first 100 days in office. [Read more…] about Kamala Won’t Be Out-Anti-Gunned, Wants Semi-Auto Import Ban
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USA Today Reinforces, Democrats are ‘Party of Gun Control’
Recently, The Armory published ‘Gun Control a Third Rail of Democratic Campaigns.’ The story reported on groups calling for calling for Democrats to “embrace a bolder approach to restrictions on guns.” Now, USA Today is reporting that Democrats are “flooding the airwaves” with gun control advertising in the lead-up to the midterm elections. [Read more…] about USA Today Reinforces, Democrats are ‘Party of Gun Control’

Baltimore Sun Op-Ed Hurts Dems, Energizes Gun Owners
One day after a man with an apparent grudge allegedly opened fire at an Annapolis, Maryland newspaper office killing five people, the Capital Gazette’s parent newspaper, the Baltimore Sun, published an Op-ed that could backfire and damage Democrats. While the paper had a right to voice an opinion, the op-ed is heavily focused on the Democrats’ adherence to the gun control agenda and promises to enrage supporters of the Second Amendment. [Read more…] about Baltimore Sun Op-Ed Hurts Dems, Energizes Gun Owners