Beat the Heat
As the summer heats up, your firearms can take a beating if you don’t pay attention to how you shoot, maintain and store them. [Read more…] about Beat the Heat
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Emergency Prep Kit and Why You Need One
Assume for a moment you wake up tomorrow to find the following: the power grid went down. Water, the internet, your appliances; all are non-operational. What sort of contingency do you have to make it through the day? A week? Or even a month?
Doomsday Preppers have long been trumpeting a life-changing event that will throw society into the stone age. Whether it’s due to an EMP or hackers attempting to topple the financial sector, the notion of our power grid collapsing has been around for some time. [Read more…] about Emergency Prep Kit and Why You Need One
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The Modern Liberal, Sound of Freedom, Theory vs Practice
No matter what you learn from a book, a hands-on, real-world exercise proves more fruitful. Whether it’s how to bake the perfect pie or how to start a fire, putting theoretical assumptions to the test in the physical world is the ultimate barometer of their use.
One such example is the Second Amendment. Most on the left side of the aisle push for more gun control and fewer gun owner rights. There are exceptions to the rule, but these are anomalies.
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Paris When It Sizzles
With stunning videos surfacing on numerous social media platforms, France is on the cusp of civil war. It begs the question, what caused this sudden violence?
In short, the fatal police shooting of a teenager during a traffic stop in a Parisian suburb.
The slain seventeen-year-old victim has yet to be identified with only his first name released as ‘Nahel M’. Based on available information, the teen was a racial minority and his identity may have played a role in why he was gunned down by police. [Read more…] about Paris When It Sizzles
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