Booster Juice Anyone?
Double-vaxxed as of the weekend and damn near had a panic attack the first night. Compounding my dread and anxiety was an escapable feeling of apathy for my life and the world at large. -Unknown American [Read more…] about Booster Juice Anyone?
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The Amateur Instructor
Teaching a friend or family member to shoot and how to handle weapons safely can be a great experience, but it’s important not to take the process too lightly. [Read more…] about The Amateur Instructor
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Concealed Carry – To Appendix or Not to Appendix
Appendix carry in one form or another has been around almost as long as handguns have. It does have advantages, but there is some debate though about the greater potential for injury. [Read more…] about Concealed Carry – To Appendix or Not to Appendix
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The Myth of Iron Sights
Ever hear an old-timer talk about how you’re not a ‘real’ shooter unless you can hit a target without your newfangled optics? I have, and while there may be a hint of truth there, the sentiment isn’t entirely accurate. [Read more…] about The Myth of Iron Sights
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Just Breathe
There’s very little that we do in sports or other physical activity where controlled breathing doesn’t help – and shooting is no exception. [Read more…] about Just Breathe
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Range Rules
Hitting the gun range for the first time can be exciting, but you’ll want to make sure that you’re at least somewhat familiar with how everything works before you get there. You don’t want to be unsafe in any way, or at the very least you don’t want to be that doofus newbie that everyone rolls their eyes at. There are also some basic rules that apply to even the most seasoned of shooters. [Read more…] about Range Rules
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Situational Awareness – Keep Your Head Up
There are certain places and times when it’s good to have an acute sense of what’s going on around you, in order to avoid potential risks to yourself and others. Situational awareness is a skill (and a habit) that helps to focus your attention on your surroundings and hopefully allows you to be better prepared for, or avoid, nasty encounters with those who may wish to do you harm. [Read more…] about Situational Awareness – Keep Your Head Up
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Don’t Be A Goat. Vote.
My family emigrated to the West in hopes of starting a new life. A life where freedom was not only present but written into the Constitution by the country’s forefathers. This isn’t an isolated or unique experience. Millions of immigrants flee their homelands in search of the American Dream. But, it’s in these trying times when we must remember how truly fortunate we are to be sovereign citizens of the United States of America. [Read more…] about Don’t Be A Goat. Vote.
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For the Sport of It
For almost as long as people have been shooting, there has been a desire for opportunities to showcase individual talents and to engage in competitive events. From archers in ancient civilizations to the earliest matchlock and flintlock shooting competitions in Europe and early America, expert marksmanship has been a much-lauded skill over time. [Read more…] about For the Sport of It
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September 11th, 2001. Who Benefits?
Today marks nineteen years to the day when everything changed; 9/11. I won’t get into my beliefs as to what occurred on our soil that day. I will not bore you with details as to where I was that morning. It doesn’t change a thing, and more often than not, leads to contentious arguments with my inner circle. [Read more…] about September 11th, 2001. Who Benefits?
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Close Quarter Shooting Part 2
In one of our blogs a few months ago we talked about shooting handguns at close quarters and introduced a bit of a reality-check on some of the elements involved. Here’s what we know:
- Personal attacks requiring a defensive response typically happen VERY quickly
- It’s easy to underestimate the fear and stress that a real-life defensive situation can cause
- Actions will almost always be faster than reactions
- Your decision-making and reaction time are likely slower than you think
- Most consider ‘close quarters’ to be within 6 feet from an aggressor – consider though that studies have shown that an average person (not an Olympic sprinter) can cover up to 22 feet of distance in about 3 seconds
No need to re-hash the details, but we know these facts to be true. [Read more…] about Close Quarter Shooting Part 2
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The Purge
Face facts – life, as we know it, has changed and will never be the same. Within four months, day-to-day reality has shifted for the entire globe. Numbers flash on tv screens; deaths, infections, stock market indicators, and suddenly, things aren’t so different than the initial years following the September 11th attacks. Remember? The colored terrorism threat indicators plastered at the bottom of countless media outlets; red, orange, yellow, and so on. The current perceived threat may be different, in this case, a virus and not anti-West extremists, however, the same product is being sold by those in power – Fear, and a lot of it.
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Feedback: Top Reader Comments of the Week — October 13, 2018
Even regular readers of K-Var‘s The Muzzle Flash can’t read or respond to all of the reader comments, so we have started a new weekly feature recapping a sampling of the most active, interesting, or on occasion, randomly selected comments from the previous weeks. This will allow you to stay up to date on all of the latest action in the outdoor community. Feel free to respectfully respond to fellow readers comments to continue the debate and reinforce similar beliefs.
[Read more…] about Feedback: Top Reader Comments of the Week — October 13, 2018
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Feedback: Top Reader Comments of the Week — August 4, 2018
Even regular readers of K-Var‘s The Muzzle Flash can’t read or respond to all of the reader comments, so we have started a new weekly feature recapping a sampling of the most active, interesting, or on occasion, randomly selected comments from the previous weeks. This will allow you to stay up to date on all of the latest action in the outdoor community. Feel free to respectfully respond to fellow readers comments to continue the debate and reinforce similar beliefs.
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Feedback: Top Reader Comments of the Week — July 28, 2018
Even regular readers of K-Var‘s The Muzzle Flash can’t read or respond to all of the reader comments, so we have started a new weekly feature recapping a sampling of the most active, interesting, or on occasion, randomly selected comments from the previous weeks. This will allow you to stay up to date on all of the latest action in the outdoor community. Feel free to respectfully respond to fellow readers comments to continue the debate and reinforce similar beliefs.
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Feedback: Top Reader Comments of the Week — July 21, 2018
Even regular readers of K-Var‘s The Muzzle Flash can’t read or respond to all of the reader comments, so we have started a new weekly feature recapping a sampling of the most active, interesting, or on occasion, randomly selected comments from the previous weeks. This will allow you to stay up to date on all of the latest action in the outdoor community. Feel free to respectfully respond to fellow readers comments to continue the debate and reinforce similar beliefs.
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Armed Good Guys: Two Is One and One Is None
News stories of civilian self-defense seldom receive adequate media coverage. After all, armed good guys stopping violent felons does not make headlines like the lives of innocents being taken. Bias and agendas play their part, but the media does not cover an event that did not happen, such as a case where a good guy stopped a violent event before it it resulted in the loss of innocent life. However, these are exactly the type of stories we need to highlight to educate non gun owners before they head to the voting booth. [Read more…] about Armed Good Guys: Two Is One and One Is None

Feedback: Top Reader Comments of the Week — June 16, 2018
Even regular readers of K-Var‘s The Muzzle Flash can’t read or respond to all of the reader comments, so we have started a new weekly feature recapping a sampling of the most active, interesting, or on occasion, randomly selected comments from the previous weeks. This will allow you to stay up to date on all of the latest action in the outdoor community. Feel free to respectfully respond to fellow readers comments to continue the debate and reinforce similar beliefs.
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Memorializing Memorial Day
We cherish too, the Poppy red
That grows on fields where valor led,
It seems to signal to the skies
That blood of heroes never dies.~ Moina Michael

CCRKBA: ‘When Will You Blame the Murderers?’
Alan Gottlieb, chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA), has issued a challenge to the gun prohibition lobby. Following the recent attack at Santa Fe High School in Texas that left 10 dead and another 10 wounded, Gottlieb wants to know why anti-gun groups never seem to blame the perpetrators of such horrendous crimes. [Read more…] about CCRKBA: ‘When Will You Blame the Murderers?’