NSSF: Working to Prevent Tragedies vs. Waiting to Exploit Them
Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has made no secret about her desire for more gun restrictions. She has prepared an a la carte menu of ideas from universal background checks to bans on “assault weapons” and standard capacity magazines to ending sales to those between the ages of 18 and 21. [Read more…] about NSSF: Working to Prevent Tragedies vs. Waiting to Exploit Them
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When? Supreme Court to Hear 2A Case
The Supreme Court is set to hear its first Second Amendment case in almost a decade. This happened when the HIgh Court granted a writ of Certiorari (decided to hear) for the case of New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Inc. v. City of New York, New York, No. 18-280. The case may have major ramifications for Second Amendment jurisprudence. Differing from decisions handed down from previous Supreme Court decisions is the makeup of the current court. Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh are believed to be more pro Second Amendment than Justice Stevens. However, the anti-Second Amendment Just Ginsburg is still on the court but has missed oral arguments in January for the first time since being nominated to the Court. [Read more…] about When? Supreme Court to Hear 2A Case
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Gun Control Lawmakers Targeting Wrong People
Across the landscape this winter, lawmakers from Sarasota to San Francisco and Seattle are pressing for more gun control laws that opponents are uniformly labelling as extreme if not unconstitutional, and the proponents of these laws—uniformly Democrats—are getting a pass from the press when they offer the explanation that these new measures will reduce crime by keeping guns out of the wrong hands. [Read more…] about Gun Control Lawmakers Targeting Wrong People
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Dems ‘Championing Gun Reform’ Fear Supreme Court
In the wake of last week’s Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade (SHOT) Show in Las Vegas, a piece in The Atlantic acknowledges what Second Amendment activists have known for a long time: Democrats are “championing…gun reform” in Congress and state legislatures all over the map. [Read more…] about Dems ‘Championing Gun Reform’ Fear Supreme Court
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FL vs. WA — Crime Control vs. Gun Control
The Florida commission created to investigate the mass shooting at a Broward County high school in which 17 students and adults died last Feb. 14 dropped a bombshell recommendation that vetted volunteer and trained teachers be allowed to carry guns on campus, USA Today has confirmed. [Read more…] about FL vs. WA — Crime Control vs. Gun Control
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Another Gun Control, Sanctuary Fail
This week’s “reign of terror” initiated by a man identified as twice-deported ex-felon Gustavo Garcia-Ruiz demonstrated once again that California’s adopted “sanctuary” status and restrictive gun control laws have failed—some would add “miserably.” [Read more…] about Another Gun Control, Sanctuary Fail
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Johns Hopkins: California’s Background Check Law Had No Impact on Gun Deaths
A new academic study has found that, once again, gun laws are not having their desired effect. A joint study conducted by researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and the University of California at Davis Violence Prevention Research Program, found that California’s much-touted mandated background checks had no impact on gun deaths, and researchers are puzzled as to why. [Read more…] about Johns Hopkins: California’s Background Check Law Had No Impact on Gun Deaths
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Keeping schools gun free?
There are many in the Education Industrial Complex who are outraged when anyone suggests teachers, other school employees, and carry permit holders have the option to legally carry a defensive firearm on school property. Their theory, “If there are no guns at school, there will be no school shootings.” Quite honestly, that is correct, except 300+ million guns aren’t going away, and criminals don’t follow the law. [Read more…] about Keeping schools gun free?
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Study: Mass Shootings Doubled by Media Coverage
A paper presented to the American Psychological Association (APA) found the number of mass killings, rampage killings, or mass shootings, may be doubled by irresponsible media aggrandizement of mass killers. The desire for fame was found to be one of the main motivators of these rampage killers. From apa.org: [Read more…] about Study: Mass Shootings Doubled by Media Coverage
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Gun Control — Where Were the Usual Actors?
A murderous rampage – there simply isn’t a better definition of what happened last week at Tree of Life Synagogue. The murderer, and that is a key and honest description—not the “shooter” as the media has tried to downplay him to—killed at least 11 worshipers and wounded six more, including four of the responding police officers intent on stopping the murderer. [Read more…] about Gun Control — Where Were the Usual Actors?
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GCA ’68: A Half-Century of Gun Control
TIME magazine is noting that this week marks the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Gun Control Act of 1968 (GCA ’68). Coincidently, the day also marked the 137th anniversary of a fatal shootout in Tombstone, Arizona Territory that many suggest was ignited by enforcement of a gun control ordinance—commonly known as the Gunfight at the OK Corral. [Read more…] about GCA ’68: A Half-Century of Gun Control
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Feedback: Top Reader Comments of the Week — October 20, 2018
Even regular readers of K-Var‘s The Muzzle Flash can’t read or respond to all of the reader comments, so we have started a new weekly feature recapping a sampling of the most active, interesting, or on occasion, randomly selected comments from the previous weeks. This will allow you to stay up to date on all of the latest action in the outdoor community. Feel free to respectfully respond to fellow readers comments to continue the debate and reinforce similar beliefs.
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Armed Good Guys: Happy Halloween — Now You’re Going to Die
News stories of civilian self-defense seldom receive adequate media coverage. After all, armed good guys stopping violent felons does not make headlines like the lives of innocents being taken. Bias and agendas play their part, but the media does not cover an event that did not happen, such as a case where a good guy stopped a violent event before it it resulted in the loss of innocent life. However, these are exactly the type of stories we need to highlight to educate non gun owners before they head to the voting booth. [Read more…] about Armed Good Guys: Happy Halloween — Now You’re Going to Die
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Feedback: Top Reader Comments of the Week — October 13, 2018
Even regular readers of K-Var‘s The Muzzle Flash can’t read or respond to all of the reader comments, so we have started a new weekly feature recapping a sampling of the most active, interesting, or on occasion, randomly selected comments from the previous weeks. This will allow you to stay up to date on all of the latest action in the outdoor community. Feel free to respectfully respond to fellow readers comments to continue the debate and reinforce similar beliefs.
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More Liberty Is (Almost) Always the Answer
As most of you know there was an active shooter incident in Jacksonville, Florida on August 26th, 2018. It is still too soon to seriously discuss the motives, reasons… for the despicable act of scumbag #19. For the record, I never (directly) add to the infamy of the “shooter.” Infamy is often a major portion of their goal. They fantasize the acts of cowardice, depravity and terrorism to make their lives “real” or “meaningful.” It does not, despite the fawning adulation the mainstream media and others, provide them. If it were up to me, they, or their memory, would be treated with the same amount of respect General Pershing gave Muslim Filipino terrorists, at the opening of the 20th century. If you are unaware, look it up. [Read more…] about More Liberty Is (Almost) Always the Answer
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Feedback: Top Reader Comments of the Week — October 6, 2018
Even regular readers of K-Var‘s The Muzzle Flash can’t read or respond to all of the reader comments, so we have started a new weekly feature recapping a sampling of the most active, interesting, or on occasion, randomly selected comments from the previous weeks. This will allow you to stay up to date on all of the latest action in the outdoor community. Feel free to respectfully respond to fellow readers comments to continue the debate and reinforce similar beliefs.
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Why Gun Control is Doomed to Fail
A weekend story in the Capital Gazette, the Maryland newspaper that experienced a mass shooting incident earlier this year in which five staffers were killed, featured an interview with perennial anti-gun Democrat U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen that illustrates why gun control is doomed to failure. [Read more…] about Why Gun Control is Doomed to Fail
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Feedback: Top Reader Comments of the Week — September 15, 2018
Even regular readers of K-Var‘s The Muzzle Flash can’t read or respond to all of the reader comments, so we have started a new weekly feature recapping a sampling of the most active, interesting, or on occasion, randomly selected comments from the previous weeks. This will allow you to stay up to date on all of the latest action in the outdoor community. Feel free to respectfully respond to fellow readers comments to continue the debate and reinforce similar beliefs.
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Open Letter: Duane Liptak NRA Board Member
I’ve just completed some meetings and other duties with the NRA, and I wanted to get some of these thoughts out there, in case anyone finds them useful. There is a lot of work going on, and I’ve never been so encouraged by the efforts I’m seeing move forward. As a disclaimer, these opinions are mine, personally, and I do not speak for the NRA or anyone else in this statement. This is long, and potentially a bit repetitive on points of significance, but I felt it important to say. [Read more…] about Open Letter: Duane Liptak NRA Board Member
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Feedback: Top Reader Comments of the Week — September 8, 2018
Even regular readers of K-Var‘s The Muzzle Flash can’t read or respond to all of the reader comments, so we have started a new weekly feature recapping a sampling of the most active, interesting, or on occasion, randomly selected comments from the previous weeks. This will allow you to stay up to date on all of the latest action in the outdoor community. Feel free to respectfully respond to fellow readers comments to continue the debate and reinforce similar beliefs.
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