NSSF: Working to Prevent Tragedies vs. Waiting to Exploit Them
Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has made no secret about her desire for more gun restrictions. She has prepared an a la carte menu of ideas from universal background checks to bans on “assault weapons” and standard capacity magazines to ending sales to those between the ages of 18 and 21. [Read more…] about NSSF: Working to Prevent Tragedies vs. Waiting to Exploit Them
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When? Supreme Court to Hear 2A Case
The Supreme Court is set to hear its first Second Amendment case in almost a decade. This happened when the HIgh Court granted a writ of Certiorari (decided to hear) for the case of New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Inc. v. City of New York, New York, No. 18-280. The case may have major ramifications for Second Amendment jurisprudence. Differing from decisions handed down from previous Supreme Court decisions is the makeup of the current court. Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh are believed to be more pro Second Amendment than Justice Stevens. However, the anti-Second Amendment Just Ginsburg is still on the court but has missed oral arguments in January for the first time since being nominated to the Court. [Read more…] about When? Supreme Court to Hear 2A Case
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House Schedules ‘Gun Violence’ (Gun Control) Hearing
The Democrats are on a mission to make gun control an issue in the 2020 election. Rightly, the Democrats have blamed the Republican majorities for not being able to hold hearings on what they term ‘gun violence’ since the Democrats lost the majority in both Houses nearly a decade ago. [Read more…] about House Schedules ‘Gun Violence’ (Gun Control) Hearing
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Boston Mayor Wants Statewide Mandate That Doctors Must Ask If Patients Own Guns
Boston Mayor Martin Walsh wants to mandate that doctors teach patients about gun safety. It appears to be another Orwellian definition. Gun safety in these circumstances seems to mean getting rid of guns. There is no mention of using known gun safety experts who have been working on the subject for decades. From bizjournals.com: [Read more…] about Boston Mayor Wants Statewide Mandate That Doctors Must Ask If Patients Own Guns
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‘100 Days of Gun Control’ Begins at State, Federal Levels
Liberal Democrat Gov. Andrew Cuomo will push for more gun control in New York, a state that already has among the strictest gun laws in the nation; Democrats are pushing additional gun restrictions in Washington State, and on Capitol Hill, Democrats in Congress also want to clamp down on Second Amendment rights, and it will all happen in the next 100 days. [Read more…] about ‘100 Days of Gun Control’ Begins at State, Federal Levels
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DOJ Ruling: Bump Stocks are Machine Guns
Bump stocks have been on the hit list for some time now. Not because they are intrinsically dangerous in the hands of hundreds of thousands of gun owners, but because one miscreant, a murderer, decided to use one in a horrific crime. Politicians and anti gunners, as usual, have decided to blame the implement and not the criminal. As a result, under the direction of President trump, the Department of Justice has reclassified bump stocks as machine guns. The ruling becomes official when it is placed on the Federal Register, likely this Friday, December 21, 2018. At that time, it will kick off a 90-day clock to either destroy or surrender your scapegoat bump stocks. [Read more…] about DOJ Ruling: Bump Stocks are Machine Guns
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Study: No Relationship Between CCW, Homicide, and Violent Crime
A new study of violent crime and concealed carry law found no correlation between the two. The study compared homicide and violent crime rates, at the state level, due to changes in concealed carry laws over a 30-year period—from 1986 to 2015. During this period, there were significant changes to the laws regulating the carry of concealed firearms. From the study:
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Why Penalize All Gun Owners for Things They Didn’t Do?
With the Washington Post on Wednesday essentially singing the praises of the anti-Second Amendment group Everytown for Gun Safety, perhaps the time has come to ask the billionaire-backed gun prohibition lobby a couple of important questions. Why are you so determined to penalize the nation’s 100-million-plus law-abiding gun owners for crimes committed by a minority of miscreants, and suicides committed by self-destructive individuals whose acts of desperation are hardly reflective the firearms fraternity in general? [Read more…] about Why Penalize All Gun Owners for Things They Didn’t Do?
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Keeping schools gun free?
There are many in the Education Industrial Complex who are outraged when anyone suggests teachers, other school employees, and carry permit holders have the option to legally carry a defensive firearm on school property. Their theory, “If there are no guns at school, there will be no school shootings.” Quite honestly, that is correct, except 300+ million guns aren’t going away, and criminals don’t follow the law. [Read more…] about Keeping schools gun free?
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Senate Debate Underscores Deep Divide on Second Amendment
UPDATED, 10-9 @ 12:45 P.M. — Monday’s debate between incumbent U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell and GOP challenger Susan Hutchison concluded with a few minutes on the gun issue, and their responses underscore the deep divide between the gun control philosophy of ever-increasing restrictions and common sense approaches that protect the rights of law-abiding gun owners, including women. [Read more…] about Senate Debate Underscores Deep Divide on Second Amendment
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The Left’s Perspective
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Wake Up – Midterms Matter
As kids are back to school and parents are getting back into a routine, I want to remind everyone that soon they are going to have an opportunity to shape Nevada and America unlike very few midterm elections before.
Nevada has the opportunity to elect a whole new executive branch that will shape the next four years. A new governor, lieutenant governor and attorney general are inevitable and whomever Nevada elects will have the task of assuring Nevada continues to be a place where both individuals and businesses can coexist and thrive. [Read more…] about Wake Up – Midterms Matter
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Federal Court: Gun Shop Owners Have Rights
In a small but significant smackdown of a California gun control law gone too far, a federal court judge this week struck down a section of the California state penal code that prohibits handgun advertising at a gun shop that would be visible from outside the store. [Read more…] about Federal Court: Gun Shop Owners Have Rights
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Open Letter: Duane Liptak NRA Board Member
I’ve just completed some meetings and other duties with the NRA, and I wanted to get some of these thoughts out there, in case anyone finds them useful. There is a lot of work going on, and I’ve never been so encouraged by the efforts I’m seeing move forward. As a disclaimer, these opinions are mine, personally, and I do not speak for the NRA or anyone else in this statement. This is long, and potentially a bit repetitive on points of significance, but I felt it important to say. [Read more…] about Open Letter: Duane Liptak NRA Board Member
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NPR: Education Department Report Inflates School Incidents
Larry Keane of the National Shooting Sports Foundation recently penned and article that covered an NPR report debunking the U.S. Department of Education’s Civil Rights Data Collection report which claimed there were nearly 240 schools that reported at least one school-related shooting in the 2015-2016 school year. It turns out, NPR could only confirm a total of 11 incidents. [Read more…] about NPR: Education Department Report Inflates School Incidents
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Feinstein Grills Kavanaugh: “Assault Weapons” Are Not in Common Use
Anti-gun Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein, during her morning questioning of Supreme Court Nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh, amid several disruptions, asserted that so-called “assault weapons” are “not in common use” and that such weapons have allegedly been used in “hundreds of school shootings.” [Read more…] about Feinstein Grills Kavanaugh: “Assault Weapons” Are Not in Common Use
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Stamp Out The NFA!
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USA Today Reinforces, Democrats are ‘Party of Gun Control’
Recently, The Armory published ‘Gun Control a Third Rail of Democratic Campaigns.’ The story reported on groups calling for calling for Democrats to “embrace a bolder approach to restrictions on guns.” Now, USA Today is reporting that Democrats are “flooding the airwaves” with gun control advertising in the lead-up to the midterm elections. [Read more…] about USA Today Reinforces, Democrats are ‘Party of Gun Control’

How We Let Elected Officials Take Away Our Constitutional Rights – The National Firearms Act
Its 1934, and Franklin D. Roosevelt is the president, the United States is engulfed by the Great Depression with dustbowl storms sweeping across the U.S. prairies. The average annual income was $1,600, the cost of a gallon of gas was 10 cents a gallon, and the average cost to rent a house was $20 per month.
As the situation seemed hopeless, more and more people turned to anyone promising them a better life. At this time in history, the rising leaders used peoples’ fears and prejudices to rally support and create scapegoats for the world’s problems. Stalin is in power in the Soviet Union and begins the “Great Purge.” Germany’s recently elected Adolf Hitler declares himself “fuhrer” and absolute leader of the country.