Kamala Won’t Be Out-Anti-Gunned, Wants Semi-Auto Import Ban
Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) said Wednesday that if she becomes president in the 2020 election, she will take executive action to ban the importation of so-called “assault weapons,” reiterating what she has said previously about her first 100 days in office. [Read more…] about Kamala Won’t Be Out-Anti-Gunned, Wants Semi-Auto Import Ban
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Students: ‘We Are People, Not a Statement’ – Gun Control Backfires
An attempt to exploit a Colorado vigil for victims of the STEM Highlands Ranch school shooting, to push gun control, quickly backfired Wednesday when students and parents walked out in protest. [Read more…] about Students: ‘We Are People, Not a Statement’ – Gun Control Backfires
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Trump Popularity Remains Strong, Dems Push Gun Control
As House Democrats continue hounding the Trump administration following the embarrassment of the “no-smoking-gun” Mueller report, polls show that popularity for President Trump among voters remains high, which might be linked to recent good economic news. At the same time, however, leading Democrat contenders for the 2020 Presidential election are either pushing for more gun control or remaining suspiciously silent. [Read more…] about Trump Popularity Remains Strong, Dems Push Gun Control
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More Gun Control Laws? Look at Chicago…
The Chicago Tribune is reporting that in a single 24-hour period over the past weekend, 24 people were shot in the Windy City, including three adults who died, and that likely brings the 2019 body count to 90-plus. [Read more…] about More Gun Control Laws? Look at Chicago…
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Universal Background Checks — Rights or Privileges?
Capitol Hill Democrats woke up Wednesday champing at the bit to pass an invasive, sweeping piece of legislation—H.R. 8, the “Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2019”—Democrats in the “other Washington” (Washington state) are also pushing several stricter gun control measures. The overall national anti-gun push is leading many to wonder if the Democrat party has forgotten the difference between “rights” and “privileges,” or whether Democrat lawmakers just doesn’t care. [Read more…] about Universal Background Checks — Rights or Privileges?
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Bipartisan Bill to Repeal WA Gun Control
Ten Republicans and one Democrat have signed onto a bipartisan bill in the Washington State House of Representatives aimed at repealing the controversial gun control Initiative 1639. The 30-page measure was passed by the voters in November 2018. Currently, a majority of county sheriffs, at least one police chief, and two county commissions have come against the measure and refused to enforce its oppressive, and potentially unconstitutional, mandates. [Read more…] about Bipartisan Bill to Repeal WA Gun Control
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Washington State: Testing Grounds for Liberal Gun Control
Washington state is just one of the test beds for new laws that seek to redefine the Second Amendment and strip of us of common firearms in everyday use. Washington state’s new laws have went so far as to broadly define most any semi-automatic rifle as a so-called “assault weapon.” This would include rifles such as the Ruger 10/22. [Read more…] about Washington State: Testing Grounds for Liberal Gun Control
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Dems ‘Championing Gun Reform’ Fear Supreme Court
In the wake of last week’s Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade (SHOT) Show in Las Vegas, a piece in The Atlantic acknowledges what Second Amendment activists have known for a long time: Democrats are “championing…gun reform” in Congress and state legislatures all over the map. [Read more…] about Dems ‘Championing Gun Reform’ Fear Supreme Court
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Illinois: Gov. Pritzker Signs Firearm Registration & Dealer Licensing Bill
Within 48 hours of being sworn in, Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker signed Senate Bill 337 into law. The bill was passed by the previous legislature, but Republican Governor Bruce Rauner refused to sign it into law. Senate President John Cullerton previously made the unprecedented move of placing a procedural hold on the bill in order to avoid the possibility of a veto under the previous Governor, Bruce Rauner, and then removed the hold to send the bill to a newly inaugurated governor. Cullerton’s political tricks means SB 337 will now establish a firearm registry and likely shut down local gun stores in Illinois with government red tape. [Read more…] about Illinois: Gov. Pritzker Signs Firearm Registration & Dealer Licensing Bill
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‘100 Days of Gun Control’ Begins at State, Federal Levels
Liberal Democrat Gov. Andrew Cuomo will push for more gun control in New York, a state that already has among the strictest gun laws in the nation; Democrats are pushing additional gun restrictions in Washington State, and on Capitol Hill, Democrats in Congress also want to clamp down on Second Amendment rights, and it will all happen in the next 100 days. [Read more…] about ‘100 Days of Gun Control’ Begins at State, Federal Levels
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Why Penalize All Gun Owners for Things They Didn’t Do?
With the Washington Post on Wednesday essentially singing the praises of the anti-Second Amendment group Everytown for Gun Safety, perhaps the time has come to ask the billionaire-backed gun prohibition lobby a couple of important questions. Why are you so determined to penalize the nation’s 100-million-plus law-abiding gun owners for crimes committed by a minority of miscreants, and suicides committed by self-destructive individuals whose acts of desperation are hardly reflective the firearms fraternity in general? [Read more…] about Why Penalize All Gun Owners for Things They Didn’t Do?
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Anti-Gunners Sounding ‘Taps’ Over the NRA as Florida Battle Looms?
Buried in a Tuesday Politico story about the National Rifle Association’s (NRA) declining revenues, and possibly failing political influence, is a stunning acknowledgement that just might account for the organization’s ability to cheat the undertaker. [Read more…] about Anti-Gunners Sounding ‘Taps’ Over the NRA as Florida Battle Looms?
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WA Anti-Gunners Show How to Dismantle Preemption, Ban Semi-Autos
Second Amendment advocates from one coast to the other should be paying close attention to what is happening in Washington state, which has become a test tube for anti-gunners now laying the framework to dismantle state preemption statutes and ban semiautomatic firearms, and it can be traced to King County, where the Board of Health recently adopted a regulation in clear defiance of the state’s 35-year-old preemption law. [Read more…] about WA Anti-Gunners Show How to Dismantle Preemption, Ban Semi-Autos
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Federal Court: Gun Shop Owners Have Rights
In a small but significant smackdown of a California gun control law gone too far, a federal court judge this week struck down a section of the California state penal code that prohibits handgun advertising at a gun shop that would be visible from outside the store. [Read more…] about Federal Court: Gun Shop Owners Have Rights
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Feinstein Grills Kavanaugh: “Assault Weapons” Are Not in Common Use
Anti-gun Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein, during her morning questioning of Supreme Court Nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh, amid several disruptions, asserted that so-called “assault weapons” are “not in common use” and that such weapons have allegedly been used in “hundreds of school shootings.” [Read more…] about Feinstein Grills Kavanaugh: “Assault Weapons” Are Not in Common Use
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Battle Stations: Kavanaugh Nomination Needs Your Support!
Grassroots activists should get to their “battle stations” in the effort to confirm federal Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court, according to national gun rights leader Alan Gottlieb, as anti-gun Democrats led by Sen. Charles Schumer ramp up the opposition. [Read more…] about Battle Stations: Kavanaugh Nomination Needs Your Support!

Kavanaugh: Let’s Ensure a 2A-Friendly Supreme Court
While the media and special interest groups on the left were losing their collective minds and spewing a host of unfounded accusations and threats against a Supreme Court Justice who had not even been selected, President Trump was finishing the selection process for the said nomination. While none of the finalists had a record of opposing citizen’s “Right to Keep and Bear Arms,” Judge Brett Kavanaugh arguably had the strongest record of supporting the Second Amendment. [Read more…] about Kavanaugh: Let’s Ensure a 2A-Friendly Supreme Court

Gun Control Petitions: “Full, True, and Correct?”
The Second Amendment Foundation and Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms today asked the Washington State Supreme Court to invalidate Initiative 1639 and enjoin the Secretary of State to reject the petitions on the grounds that petitions circulated by paid signature gatherers failed to meet state requirements for readability nor did they include a “full, true, and correct copy of the proposed measure printed on the reverse side.” [Read more…] about Gun Control Petitions: “Full, True, and Correct?”

Anti-Gun Cities Getting Free Legal
A little-known problem facing gun rights organizations is that the municipalities they sue often get free legal assistance that enables cities and towns to attack the gun rights of their citizens while rights groups lining up to fight have to pay their attorneys, throwing the cost of justice, if not the balance, in favor of the anti-gun cities. [Read more…] about Anti-Gun Cities Getting Free Legal

Court Grants Injunction Against Deerfield, IL Gun Ban
A circuit court judge in Lake County, Illinois has granted an injunction against the Chicago suburb of Deerfield, blocking the village from enforcing a ban on so-called “assault weapons.” This was a major victory for all gun owners as well as the Second Amendment Foundation. [Read more…] about Court Grants Injunction Against Deerfield, IL Gun Ban