Covid Round 2, Free the [Real] President Trump
At some point, every generation faces a tragic event that leaves generational scars. JFK’s Assassination; Columbine; and 9/11; all were uniquely awful in their own way. It’s actually remarkable to think about the resilience of the human being when surrounded by such darkness.
Usher in the events of 2020, which at present seem like a hazy memory. We all know what happened; there’s probably no point in dragging up the past.
Or is there? [Read more…] about Covid Round 2, Free the [Real] President Trump
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November Lockdown
Brace yourself; things are about to get bleak. Really bleak.
A known confidante who worked for the Canadian Government informed me that come November, the lockdown of all lockdowns awaits Canadians.
According to “Sam”, the monkeypox virus has crossed. Translation; it is no longer a virus singular to homosexuals. [Read more…] about November Lockdown
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Seeds of Change
For the third time this year, the city I call home has issued a lockdown order. This morning, to bring home the point, my tether, AKA cell phone, received an Emergency Stay At Home Order. An order; not mandated by law but bestowed upon me by the ever-reaching tentacles of fear-mongering Canadian Government officials. [Read more…] about Seeds of Change
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