DeVos Talks School Safety, Media and Dems Focus on Guns
When Education Secretary Betsy DeVos testified Tuesday before the Senate Appropriations Committee, it provided an opportunity to anti-gunners on Capitol Hill and in the media to show their priority is gun control, as revealed by coverage of her appearance with a focus on guns. [Read more…] about DeVos Talks School Safety, Media and Dems Focus on Guns

Outrage: Boulder Violates 2A, 5A, 14A, and CO Constitution
Although you may not be surprised by the location, you should still be concerned by the action. Boulder Colorado recently joined the totalitarian regimes of California, Washington, Chicago and New York City when it passed an ordinance banning so-called ‘assault weapons’ in addition to bump stocks. While that is ludicrous on it face, Boulder’s definition of of assault weapon is even worse. [Read more…] about Outrage: Boulder Violates 2A, 5A, 14A, and CO Constitution

Seattle: Tax and Spend Hostile to Business
The City of Seattle is in the midst of a political civil war following the City Council’s unanimous approval of a “head tax” on big business, with even the Seattle Times encouraging a citizen initiative to derail what it calls “the destructive, opportunity-killing” measure, arguing that “this is needed to reverse the city’s hostility to business.” [Read more…] about Seattle: Tax and Spend Hostile to Business

Illinois — Defeating Gun Control
It is not too often we get a chance to report on a state known for opposing the Second Amendment for doing the right thing and defeating gun control legislation. Recently, Illinois law makers passed a bill that would have all but resulted in the outright ruination of every gun retailer in the state. The State was attempting to, in essence, create its own FFL license complete with the fees and provisions it would set. [Read more…] about Illinois — Defeating Gun Control

NSSF Gives Dick’s the Boot
The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF®) Board of Governors unanimously voted to expel Dick’s Sporting Goods from their organization. The Board cited Dick’s for “…conduct detrimental to the best interests of the Foundation” in a press release today. The NSSF is the trade association for the firearms, ammunition, hunting, and shooting sports industries. The decision by the board was unanimous and was based upon the fact that Dick’s recently hired lobbyists pushing for gun control measures, though the specific measures are not stated. [Read more…] about NSSF Gives Dick’s the Boot

Where Have All the Gun Emojis Gone?
It should come as no surprise that the technocrats are taking away your guns. No – they have not started looting your gun safe yet; however, they are replacing handguns in your catalog of emojis with a toy gun or squirt gun. On April 25, 2018, Google released an update to its emojis, which depicted a squirt gun in lieu of a pistol. This is a change from the company’s previous emojis, which have always resembled real firearms. On the same day, Microsoft jumped on the bandwagon and announced that it would change its handgun emoji to resemble a water gun in its upcoming release of Windows 10. [Read more…] about Where Have All the Gun Emojis Gone?

Slide Fire Throws in the Towel and Ceases Operations
As a result of recent regulation, we have lost yet another firearms related business—not to the forces of the market or competition and not due a slowing number of sales or profits. Instead, Slide Fire is closing its doors due the whims of the feel-good politics of politicians and the efforts of gun control advocates. [Read more…] about Slide Fire Throws in the Towel and Ceases Operations

Retired Supreme Court Justice Calls for Second Amendment Repeal
In the November 2016 election, gun-owning Americans turned out to tell the nation that their rights mattered. The election that prevented Hillary Clinton from entering the Oval Office also stopped her from packing the Supreme Court with justices who are hostile to the Second Amendment. [Read more…] about Retired Supreme Court Justice Calls for Second Amendment Repeal

A Lesson for Americans, Canada Teen Fights Gun Control
This is the story of a Canadian teenager who started an electronic petition to thwart the Canadian government’s latest gun control bill. American teens could learn something here. Instead of being the puppets of gun control agents, they should be standing up for their futures and fighting for their Constitutional rights. [Read more…] about A Lesson for Americans, Canada Teen Fights Gun Control

Deerfield, Suburb of Chicago, Challenged for Banning ‘Assault Weapons’
The Second Amendment Foundation has filed a lawsuit against the Chicago suburb of Deerfield, Illinois seeking an injunction against enforcement of the ban on so-called “assault weapons” and “large capacity magazines,” adopted by the Village Board of Trustees earlier this week. [Read more…] about Deerfield, Suburb of Chicago, Challenged for Banning ‘Assault Weapons’

Missouri Legislature Takes the Second Amendment a Step in the Right Direction
While other states (most recently, Oregon and New Jersey) are posturing against gun rights, yesterday (March 28, 2018) the Missouri House Rules Committee passed House Bill 1936 which expands the protections of the Second Amendment to locations and areas where you can carry concealed in its state.
[Read more…] about Missouri Legislature Takes the Second Amendment a Step in the Right Direction

ATF Lays Groundwork to Classify Bump-Stocks As MACHINEGUNS
On Friday, March 23, 2018, Attorney General Sessions announced that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) is seeking to classify bump-stocks as machineguns. The Notice has not yet been published in the Federal Register, but it is available on DOJ’s website. If adopted, the rules will amend ATF’s regulations to “clarify” the terms “single function of the trigger,” “automatically,” and “machinegun” as follows: [Read more…] about ATF Lays Groundwork to Classify Bump-Stocks As MACHINEGUNS

New Jersey — The First State to Act Since the Teen Gun Control March
The first day back on the job since teens lead a march on Washington DC and New Jersey lawmakers have already voted for stricter gun laws. The New Jersey State Assembly voted today to pass six bills to make New Jersey’s already strict gun laws even tougher. This act to was not taken lightly by constituents who protested in the state’s capital. But, in New Jersey their voices appeared to be too little too late. [Read more…] about New Jersey — The First State to Act Since the Teen Gun Control March

The Truth Behind Why Your Rights are Under Attack
Currently, the Second Amendment in general, and specifically the rights of millions of young Americans, are under assault. Why? Presumably, because of the actions of the single 19-year-old who committed mass murder in Parkland, Florida. While the shooter was an adult at the time and responsible for his actions, the government is more than a little culpable in setting the stage to allow this tragedy to happen. [Read more…] about The Truth Behind Why Your Rights are Under Attack

NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio Pulls All Police From Public Schools
Right now, today, every day, the Second Amendment is under continual attack. State and federal legislatures are considering a host of misguided and ill-intentioned bills that will have no direct effect on preventing a tragedy similar to the school shooting in Parkland, Florida. Yet, it was that tragedy that lit the fuse on the latest round of anti-gun bills set to strip citizens of their right to bear arms. Now, New York Mayor Bill de Blasio has taken anti-gun absurdity to a whole new level that endangers the safety of New York’s public school children. [Read more…] about NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio Pulls All Police From Public Schools

Do Anti-gun Sales Restrictions Violate Anti-Discrimination Laws?
Many of us have been thinking it, but an Oregon newspaper recently raised an interesting question. Are retailers that decide to arbitrarily raise the age for gun sales violating anti-discrimination laws? According to Willamette Week, a Portland-based alternative weekly, there are 17 Fred Meyer stores in the Beaver State that sell firearms. Bi-Mart also announced the change in policy. However, a retired Lane County judge, Jim Hargreaves, says the decision by retailers might slam head on into Oregon state law. Oregon law states that any person over 18 can purchase a gun, and that the anti-discrimination law says anybody of legal age can’t be denied something available to others. [Read more…] about Do Anti-gun Sales Restrictions Violate Anti-Discrimination Laws?

Dick’s Sporting Goods: A Dangerous Decision for Our Second Amendment Rights?
Having been in the Outdoors industry for two decades, I have had a bird’s eye view of the ebb and flow of Second Amendment support. Most gun owners I’ve met believe in personal freedoms. When that comes to corporations however, the decision to suspend or halt sales of certain items has often earned the ire of the gun owning community. Each business must weigh its corporate social responsibility to the community to potential repercussions from the consumer. Formal boycotts, social media rants, and the choice to take consumer dollars elsewhere as a form of silent protest are the norm, and that is simply due to a business’ decision of whether to carry a certain product or line of products. Dick’s Sporting Goods is one of the latest examples, but Dick’s has far surpassed a simple decision to not sell particular items. [Read more…] about Dick’s Sporting Goods: A Dangerous Decision for Our Second Amendment Rights?

Trump Backs Federal Gun Background Checks
I was writing a post, wondering if Trump would throw gun owners under the bus, then a news bulletin popped up to say he already had. He has instructed Attorney General Jeff Sessions to ban bump stocks and trigger devices. So, the question we need to ask is simple, “Is this a delaying action to keep the gun grabbers at bay, or the start of a total sell out?” I am sure the title of this story alone may be enough to raise gun owners’ hackles. Is President Trump going to make a deal favoring gun control? What about his promises to never go against the Second Amendment during the election and NRA convention? [Read more…] about Trump Backs Federal Gun Background Checks

Overwhelming Opposition to Bump Stock Ban
While the Washington State Legislature appears determined to ban “bump stock” devices, a move supported by newspaper editorials including one in the Daily Olympian, there appears to be overwhelming opposition to a bump stock ban, both in the Evergreen State and across the country. [Read more…] about Overwhelming Opposition to Bump Stock Ban