The Left’s Perspective
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Which One Is Next?
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Feedback: Top Reader Comments of the Week — September 1, 2018
Even regular readers of K-Var‘s The Muzzle Flash can’t read or respond to all of the reader comments, so we have started a new weekly feature recapping a sampling of the most active, interesting, or on occasion, randomly selected comments from the previous weeks. This will allow you to stay up to date on all of the latest action in the outdoor community. Feel free to respectfully respond to fellow readers comments to continue the debate and reinforce similar beliefs.
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Stamp Out The NFA!
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Armed Good Guys: Carjacker With Knife Meets Gun
News stories of civilian self-defense seldom receive adequate media coverage. After all, armed good guys stopping violent felons does not make headlines like the lives of innocents being taken. Bias and agendas play their part, but the media does not cover an event that did not happen, such as a case where a good guy stopped a violent event before it it resulted in the loss of innocent life. However, these are exactly the type of stories we need to highlight to educate non gun owners before they head to the voting booth. [Read more…] about Armed Good Guys: Carjacker With Knife Meets Gun
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#LETSGOSHOOTING: National Shooting Sports Month
Love him or hate him, you never have to scratch your head and wonder what is on President Trump’s mind. The Armory is guns, shooting, hunting and self-defense, so we can all check our politics at the door. However, the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), the firearms industry’s trade association has declared, “It’s here! Throughout August, all of America will be celebrating the shooting sports. Get out there and enjoy the pastime we all love with the ones you love!” and President Trump has weighed in to support the effort with the following Presidential message. [Read more…] about #LETSGOSHOOTING: National Shooting Sports Month

Review: Galco Ankle Lite Ankle Holster
Finding the right holster can feel like a retelling of the classic story of Goldilocks’ and the Three Bears. This holster is too bulky while that holster doesn’t cover the trigger guard. For most gun owners, finding the right holster can result in a box of holsters sitting in a corner that don’t fit their needs. My Goldilocks’ gun is my Ruger LCP, and I have purchased several different types of holsters trying to find the holster. My most recent purchase, a Galco Ankle Lite holster, seems to be the current winner. It offers a high level of comfortable concealment at a reasonable price. Of the various holsters I’ve purchased for this particular gun, this is the best option for on-body carry for the Ruger LCP. [Read more…] about Review: Galco Ankle Lite Ankle Holster

Deer Hunters: Don’t Give Away Your Power
Elite deer hunters employ a carefully planned scent-control regimen to maintain an advantage over a whitetail’s incredible nose. When properly executed, the rewards include closer shots and more opportunities. [Read more…] about Deer Hunters: Don’t Give Away Your Power

SCI Counters Antis’ Lies About Federal Commission
Anti-hunters never let facts get in the way of an emotionally-based false argument, as is evidenced in their attacks in the media before the meeting of the International Wildlife Conservation Council in Atlanta, GA. Safari Club International (SCI) isn’t about to sit by idly as anti-hunters attack a federal conservation council and its members. [Read more…] about SCI Counters Antis’ Lies About Federal Commission

Church Shootings Surpass School Shootings 3 to 1
All life is valuable. It seems, however, that every mass murderer targets those less capable of fighting back and therefore chooses gun-free zones and areas where they will likely find the least resistance due to the nature of the venue. Because Churches, like schools, are considered soft targets, they are more likely to endure criminal activity. [Read more…] about Church Shootings Surpass School Shootings 3 to 1

Feedback: Top Reader Comments of the Week — June 16, 2018
Even regular readers of K-Var‘s The Muzzle Flash can’t read or respond to all of the reader comments, so we have started a new weekly feature recapping a sampling of the most active, interesting, or on occasion, randomly selected comments from the previous weeks. This will allow you to stay up to date on all of the latest action in the outdoor community. Feel free to respectfully respond to fellow readers comments to continue the debate and reinforce similar beliefs.
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Team USA Wins Silver in the Ladies Open Division IPSC World Shotgun Championships
The International Practical Shooting Confederation (IPSC) held their Level V Shotgun World Shoot match June 3rd – June 10th in France. Team USA won Silver in the Ladies Open Division! Team USA (Lanny “Oakly” Barnes Siggins, Claudia Vidanes, Heather Miller, and Sky Killian) took second place in the 8-day long competition held in Chateauroux, France.
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Court Grants Injunction Against Deerfield, IL Gun Ban
A circuit court judge in Lake County, Illinois has granted an injunction against the Chicago suburb of Deerfield, blocking the village from enforcing a ban on so-called “assault weapons.” This was a major victory for all gun owners as well as the Second Amendment Foundation. [Read more…] about Court Grants Injunction Against Deerfield, IL Gun Ban

How to Reduce Your Risk of Death by Gun Violence
Do you want to reduce your risk of death by gun violence? If so, consider these 10 common sense ways to do so. These are things one can implement fully and immediately with no permission or agreement from anyone else but are entirely in the control of any individual. Marching to persuade politicians is a very indirect way of reducing anyone’s risk from gun violence. And considering their track record on so many issues, politicians may end up putting us all at further risk when all is said and done. [Read more…] about How to Reduce Your Risk of Death by Gun Violence

Smith and Wesson: Thank You For Your Service Program
Smith & Wesson Corp. today announced that Smith & Wesson and Thompson/Center Arms have established a new military appreciation program — Thank You For Your Service. This new program offers eligible United States Armed Forces personnel a discount on qualifying Thompson/Center and Smith & Wesson firearms purchased from June 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018. This program applies to all active duty, honorably discharged, retired, or disabled members of the U.S. Armed Forces or Reserves. [Read more…] about Smith and Wesson: Thank You For Your Service Program