Dick’s Sporting Goods Doubles Down on Anti Gun Policies
In an earnings call on March 13, Dick’s Sporting Goods CEO Edward Stack told investors that the sporting goods retailer would stop selling firearms at 125 locations—roughly 17 percent of its stores in the US. Dick’s will replace these firearm sections with other categories, such as shoes and clothes. The newly vacant floor space will also be used to test experiential retail concepts such as in-store batting cages. [Read more…] about Dick’s Sporting Goods Doubles Down on Anti Gun Policies
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Critical Question: ‘What If Sheriffs Don’t Enforce Gun Laws?’
Amid what appears to be an insurrection of county sheriffs and county governing boards in several states against restrictive gun laws, Pacific Standard magazine has finally asked the proverbial “$64 question,” what happens next? [Read more…] about Critical Question: ‘What If Sheriffs Don’t Enforce Gun Laws?’
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Gun Test: Ruger GP100 10mm
The story of revolvers chambered for self-loading cartridges is a long one. Smith and Wesson and Colt supplied revolvers chambered for the .45 ACP revolver cartridge during World War I. The .455 Webley caliber double action revolvers in production for the British were re-chambered to .45 ACP and a moon clip was developed to allow chambering the rimless .45 ACP. [Read more…] about Gun Test: Ruger GP100 10mm
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Armed Good Guys: Knife, Bat, Good Guy With Gun — Who do you think Won?
News stories of civilian self-defense seldom receive adequate media coverage. After all, armed good guys stopping violent felons does not make headlines like the lives of innocents being taken. Bias and agendas play their part, but the media does not cover an event that did not happen, such as a case where a good guy stopped a violent event before it resulted in the loss of innocent life. However, these are exactly the type of stories we need to highlight to educate non gun owners before they head to the voting booth. [Read more…] about Armed Good Guys: Knife, Bat, Good Guy With Gun — Who do you think Won?
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.300 Blackout — Subsonic Success Tips
Understatement: .300 Blackout, aka: AAC, is a popular cartridge among AR-15 fans. I like it especially in the shorter guns, and, around here at least, it’s looked on as an effective Whitetail cartridge choice. Pretty much, it’s for those who want a bigger bullet in an AR-15 with a minimum of technical distractions (some call them problems). One reason for its popularity is the supersonic/subsonic option. I built a specialty AR-15 for home defense that I also featured in recent book project, and that was my choice. Reasons? Sure, it’s civil and effective. [Read more…] about .300 Blackout — Subsonic Success Tips
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Why Everyone Should Own a 1911
I own a quite a few different guns. What can I say? I’m a big gun guy. One of my favorite firearms is my 1911—a pistol I think everyone should own. Perhaps, I am a product of my environment, I live in Utah and in the northern part of the state, there is a city named Ogden. Ogden was home to John M. Browning, who invented the 1911 pistol. In fact, many people consider Browning to be the brains behind the modern design of semiautomatic pistols. [Read more…] about Why Everyone Should Own a 1911
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I’ll Take a M1 Carbine
The M1 Carbine was one of the most widely produced of all U.S. Military rifles and served during World War II, the Korean War, and Vietnam War. Millions were produced and at one time surplus models were not only commonly found, they were inexpensive. Today, things are different. A well-used, vintage M1 Carbine is expensive, and the cost will vary dramatically depending on which manufacturer produced the M1 Carbine and the model. I collect, but I shoot what I collect, and that’s why the M1 Carbines from Inland Mfg. and Auto-Ordnance are important to me—and other shooters who favor the M1 Carbine. [Read more…] about I’ll Take a M1 Carbine
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Surviving an Elevated Shooter
The city of Las Vegas experienced the devastation wreaked when an elevated shooter decided to prey on a crowd of innocent concertgoers in a known gun-free zone. Many people continue to search for answers as to why this happened and what could be done differently to protect innocent civilians. While we do not know the why, here are some points to consider in an effort prevent the history from becoming your present. [Read more…] about Surviving an Elevated Shooter
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Warning: Graphic Video All Gun Control Politicians Need to Watch
Chicago is a hotbed for pro gun control politicians. Crime and handgun violence rates are off the charts. Instead of blaming those responsible for the crime (as demonstrated in this video), politicians take the easy route and blame the lawful gun owners. The following is a story (and video) of an event that happened in January 2019. It shows a carload of young men in Chicago who, fortunately, were brazen enough to live stream their threats to kill a police officer if he dared to attempt a traffic stop. The entire video is disgusting, but one that should be forwarded to every politician and anti-gunner with a message stating that it is the violent and irresponsible criminals and their conduct that should be the subject of any additional regulations and laws—NOT guns and law abiding gun owners—there is a difference and nothing makes it more clear than this video. [Read more…] about Warning: Graphic Video All Gun Control Politicians Need to Watch
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Illinois: Protests Growing Against Gun Control
Illinois gun owners and rights activists are fired up. Protests are being organized against proposed gun control legislation that would outlaw so-called “assault weapons,” according to one of the state’s leading Second Amendment advocates, who says it’s part of the “sanctuary” movement, and it’s gathering momentum. [Read more…] about Illinois: Protests Growing Against Gun Control
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Kentucky Passes Constitutional Carry!
On Friday, 1 March, 2019, Constitutional Carry, SB 150, passed the Kentucky House with a vote of 60-37. On 14 February, two weeks earlier, SB 150 passed the Kentucky Senate, 29-8. The bill was watched intently by Second Amendment supporters. It passed the House just before 1 p.m. When Governor Bevin signs SB150 into law, Kentucky will become the third state this year to pass a Constitutional Carry, or “permitless” carry bill in 2019. Kentucky will become the 16th state with Constitutional Carry. [Read more…] about Kentucky Passes Constitutional Carry!
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Armed Good Guys: Online Sale Ends With Deadly Shooting
News stories of civilian self-defense seldom receive adequate media coverage. After all, armed good guys stopping violent felons does not make headlines like the lives of innocents being taken. Bias and agendas play their part, but the media does not cover an event that did not happen, such as a case where a good guy stopped a violent event before it resulted in the loss of innocent life. However, these are exactly the type of stories we need to highlight to educate non gun owners before they head to the voting booth. [Read more…] about Armed Good Guys: Online Sale Ends With Deadly Shooting
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Op-ed: Home Invasion or No-Knock Raid
I will start out by saying I am not anti-cop. Nothing in this article should be construed as anti-law enforcement. My bonafides: My father worked as an executive in the state prison system for over 20 years. He is now long retired. My girlfriend is in the police academy and has been in various law enforcement positions for almost three years. She will soon be an SRO in the local school system. That being said, I am troubled by the prospect of a no-knock raid. [Read more…] about Op-ed: Home Invasion or No-Knock Raid
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Video: Defensive Use of Lasers
In episode 9 of the Art of Defense series, Beau Doboszenski of Defensive Mindset Training goes over how a weapon-mounted laser can improve your defense capabilities. Lasers can aid you in multiple ways during a defensive encounter. For example, a laser can be an aid anytime you are forced into a defensive draw. With practice, you can achieve faster on target times and a better first hit percentage. [Read more…] about Video: Defensive Use of Lasers
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Universal Background Checks — Rights or Privileges?
Capitol Hill Democrats woke up Wednesday champing at the bit to pass an invasive, sweeping piece of legislation—H.R. 8, the “Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2019”—Democrats in the “other Washington” (Washington state) are also pushing several stricter gun control measures. The overall national anti-gun push is leading many to wonder if the Democrat party has forgotten the difference between “rights” and “privileges,” or whether Democrat lawmakers just doesn’t care. [Read more…] about Universal Background Checks — Rights or Privileges?
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Armed Good Guys: Convicted Killer Slain During Home Invasion
News stories of civilian self-defense seldom receive adequate media coverage. After all, armed good guys stopping violent felons does not make headlines like the lives of innocents being taken. Bias and agendas play their part, but the media does not cover an event that did not happen, such as a case where a good guy stopped a violent event before it resulted in the loss of innocent life. However, these are exactly the type of stories we need to highlight to educate non gun owners before they head to the voting booth. [Read more…] about Armed Good Guys: Convicted Killer Slain During Home Invasion
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KALASH BASH 2019: The Beginning of Something Great
You might ask yourself, where is Navasota, Texas, and what would I do there? The answers for the weekend of April 13-14, 2019 are:
- KALASH BASH 2019—The place to be.
- To have the time of your life with like-minded AK enthusiasts.
Whether you are there to compete or just check out the fun, it appears this is the place to have a great time. [Read more…] about KALASH BASH 2019: The Beginning of Something Great
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The Diagram of a Gunfight
For some folks, the worst foreseeable experience is a car breakdown on a macadam road. A true close brush with death is another thing—it is like a brain enema. You think much differently and more clearly afterward. If we escape death, we are pleased with the results—ideal or not. Others have commented that before the event nothing was important and afterwards, everything was important. [Read more…] about The Diagram of a Gunfight
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Democrats File Assault Weapons Ban 2019
Last week, the U.S. House Representatives introduced its grand new scheme for the iteration of an assault weapons ban. The exact language of the proposed legislation has not been released to date, but we have a glimpse thanks to pro gun control members of congress. [Read more…] about Democrats File Assault Weapons Ban 2019
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Bipartisan Bill to Repeal WA Gun Control
Ten Republicans and one Democrat have signed onto a bipartisan bill in the Washington State House of Representatives aimed at repealing the controversial gun control Initiative 1639. The 30-page measure was passed by the voters in November 2018. Currently, a majority of county sheriffs, at least one police chief, and two county commissions have come against the measure and refused to enforce its oppressive, and potentially unconstitutional, mandates. [Read more…] about Bipartisan Bill to Repeal WA Gun Control
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