Handguns: Choosing the Right Handgun Sights
I have noticed that discussions on combat handgun sights, combat shooting, and handguns are often hi-jacked by those with an embarrassing lack of experience. All they know is what they have read and much of that isn’t accurate. A shooter should study, true, but they should also gain practical experience and meet the instructor half way with this experience. [Read more…] about Handguns: Choosing the Right Handgun Sights
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The Range Bag
One of the inevitabilities, and greatest aspects of our sport, is the accumulation of gear and accessories. Somewhere, deep down inside each of us, is a little devilish voice convincing us to get more stuff. I’ll be the first to admit it; I indulge that little voice often and without apology. Mainly because I have put in the time to select the right range bag and devised a system for packing it. [Read more…] about The Range Bag
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Lasers: The Crimson Trace Advantage
The primary requisite to hitting the target is being able to identify the target, acquire the target with the sights, and hit the target after getting a good sight picture and properly pressing the trigger. It is simple, but it isn’t easy. Crimson Trace Lasergrips go a long way toward closing the accuracy gap. [Read more…] about Lasers: The Crimson Trace Advantage
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Mechanix Wear Gloves — Hand Protection
When hunting, hiking, working, weeding, turning bolts, wild mushroom hunting, moving bags of mulch, pushing through brush, or handling previously live game, a pair of gloves is a handy thing to keep your hands clean, warm, and injury-free. As inexpensive, simple, and handy as gloves are, we often forget about them as essential outdoor gear. [Read more…] about Mechanix Wear Gloves — Hand Protection
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Swab-Its Review
I first saw the Swab-its at the 2015 Shooting Hunting Outdoor Trade (SHOT) Show and simply didn’t get the concept of them—hmm… disposable foam bore cleaners. Yeah, the concept was cool. However, I wondered why anyone would buy such an expensive single-use product. Like many times in life, I was wrong. I learned my lesson, even though it took me a full year. My mistake was thinking, “Swab-its are a one trick pony.” In actuality, Swab-its are a well made, non-damaging, bore cleaner that can be cleaned and continually reused many, many times. [Read more…] about Swab-Its Review
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The Science Behind Hearing Protection
It’s right there in the rules posted at any shooting range: All shooters and spectators must wear hearing and eye protection. Most shooters are equipped for compliance, quickly donning whatever earmuffs are inside their range bag. Those who come unprepared can always obtain a set of in-ear foam plugs from the range officer. This is the extent to which most shooters think about hearing protection. They think, I have it and I’m wearing it, so my hearing is protected. But that isn’t always true. [Read more…] about The Science Behind Hearing Protection
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The Three-Caliber Glock Conversion
A few years ago, it was fashionable to see stories in the gun books concerning caliber conversions from one caliber to the other. I think the king of these conversions is the 1911. I have fired the 1911 in .22, .30 Luger, 9mm, .38 Super, .40 S&W, 10mm, .400 Cor Bon, .41 Avenger, .45 ACP, .44 Magnum as a single shot, .45 Super, and the .460 Rowland. Some conversion options are a stunt and not worth the effort. However, if you enjoy such things, they are a pleasant diversion. [Read more…] about The Three-Caliber Glock Conversion

Mission First Tactical — New Accessories for 2018
Mission First Tactical is meeting consumer demand with a host of new products. Historically, MFT released of a small number of products each year. However, 2018 is MFT’s year to leap forward with new magazine options, holsters, muzzle brakes, and more. Let’s take a look at what MFT has brought to the market this year.
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LaserLyte Trainer Trigger Tyme Laser Pistol Trainers
Since I discovered the LaserLyte laser training system, my home has about the same volume of laser beams bouncing around as your average rock concert or Star Wars movie. That might not be an entirely accurate, however it sure seems that I do a ton of laser training. When cold or rainy days are coming, my indoor laser training train will jump even more. [Read more…] about LaserLyte Trainer Trigger Tyme Laser Pistol Trainers