The Law is Your Superpower
If you want a portal into the person I am, one immutable finding is my love for family. A tremendous amount of my identity comes from the lifelong interpersonal relationships I possess.
I do not believe this makes me unique or singular; I would like to tell of a recent occurrence that has me fuming. [Read more…] about The Law is Your Superpower
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Vaxxports Are Reality Checks
I pull up in my red sedan. From the outside, things look like they always have.
It’s a beautiful autumn day in Southern Ontario, about the same as most places you’d find in the Midwest.
But, as soon as I limp through the double doors of one of the busier Starbucks in Toronto, Canada, I find I’m in the Mecca of Clownword. [Read more…] about Vaxxports Are Reality Checks
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[Mandatory] Vaccine Passports
With vaccine passports a certainty shortly, this past week I found myself at a local pharmacy getting my first dose of Pfizer.
I withheld this occurrence as long as I could, and though disappointed for caving, my sphere of thinking was as follows: end it cheaply before military boots on the ground bring you to the same place months from now. [Read more…] about [Mandatory] Vaccine Passports
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Division Yields Control
The division of our nation continues, this time the issue being that of Vaccination. It’s a hot button issue, and the more they bombard this topic on various airwaves, the more likely it seems this has been the true motive behind the coronavirus pandemic all along. [Read more…] about Division Yields Control
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