Week 14: Trans Legislation, Finland to NATO, Trump Arrested!
Our neighbors to the North continue to do their part to emulate the People’s Republic of China. Recently, Canada’s controversial Internet Censorship Bill C-11 passed thanks in large part to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
What does the bill mean? It means the Trudeau Government gets the right to manipulate an individual’s social media algorithms. It means they control what one can see on varying social platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok, name it, they call the shots.
Sound Orwellian and from a dystopian film? Unfortunately, it’s not. [Read more…] about Week 14: Trans Legislation, Finland to NATO, Trump Arrested!
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Arsenal SAM5. Why You Need a 5.56 AK!
The 7.62×39 cartridge, introduced originally in 1943 and chambered in both the RPD Light Machine Gun and the SKS, cemented it’s place in history just a few years later as the cartridge selection for what would become the iconic AK47 Soviet military rifle. Since then, the AK47 has been deployed around the world by militaries, police and civilians in combat, self-defense and sporting roles. [Read more…] about Arsenal SAM5. Why You Need a 5.56 AK!
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