The FM-AR: A Molot VEPR for 2020
In the gun world, Russia is best known for the classic AK-47 rifle, but one of the best rifles ever built comes from the Molot factory in Vyatskiye Polyany, and those rifles are called the VEPR.
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Dissident Arms Review: Red Oktober 2019
Red Oktober is an AK47 shooting competition hosted by Rifle Dynamics in Las Vegas, NV. This year, it was held at Pro Gun Club just outside Las Vegas where I had the pleasure of running into Mike Whitesides and Lan Nguyen of Dissident Arms. Before going into the details of our encounter, I should explain that I am a sales rep at MSR Distribution in Las Vegas and Dissident Arms (DA) is one of the top dealers that I supply firearms to. So, I already had a relationship with Mike and Lan before meeting up with them out at Red Oktober. However, this was an impromptu meeting that happened on the last day of the shooting competition. [Read more…] about Dissident Arms Review: Red Oktober 2019
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Which One Is Next?
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AK47 Parts and Accessories at Blowout Prices!
When people talk about The End Of The World As We Know It (TEOTWAWKI) and SHTF (‘Sugar’ Hit The Fan) scenarios, it’s commonplace to consider what firearms you’ll need. The debate is eternal over which gun or guns would be most useful, but the ultra-reliable AK47 is at or near the top of any credible, well-reasoned list. While an AK is a good start, it is only a start. [Read more…] about AK47 Parts and Accessories at Blowout Prices!

Top 5 Ready for Action Shotguns of 2018
There is no shortage of quality shotguns to choose from these days, which makes whittling down the list to 5 a real chore. However, that is what we did when we created this list of the Top 5 Ready for Action Shotguns of 2018. These are not necessarily the newest or the most popular, but they are all worthy of selection to defend the castle when the wolf comes to your door. [Read more…] about Top 5 Ready for Action Shotguns of 2018

More Sanctions On Russia
The Trump administration announced new sanctions on Russia. These new sanctions appear to be the most stringent punishment yet by Trump for Russia’s election interference. In announcing the sanctions, the administration disclosed a Russian attempt to penetrate the U.S. energy grid and that the new sanctions would punish actors for their participation in other major cyberattacks. [Read more…] about More Sanctions On Russia

A Closer Look At The Molot Sanctions
While walking around SHOT Show this year, I couldn’t help but see the ads running for the Last of Molot and directing me to Booth 11217. With the prospect of the promise of free patch and a chance to check out the last of the VEPR’s, I couldn’t resist. As many of you know, this year the federal government put the final nail in the coffin for anyone wanted access to quality Russian firearms. The question is, “Why and how did we get here?” [Read more…] about A Closer Look At The Molot Sanctions