FCG by FIME Group for AK & RPK Rifles: A Clever Upgrade
So, you own an AK; well played. Your next step should be to up your rifle’s performance without taking out a second mortgage. Usher in FIME’s FCG for AK- and RPK-based rifles, currently available at K-VAR Corp. [Read more…] about FCG by FIME Group for AK & RPK Rifles: A Clever Upgrade
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Get Triggered! FIME Enhanced Fire Control Group
Many factors contribute to the accuracy of a rifle, be it major components with a tangible impact, such as the barrel itself and the ammunition we feed it, or more subtle nuances that effect harmonics. No matter the element, having confidence when it comes to shot placement is paramount to any shooter. Today I want to talk about a piece of the puzzle that is crucial not only to the accuracy of your rifle, but to every aspect of the direct shooter interface, the trigger. [Read more…] about Get Triggered! FIME Enhanced Fire Control Group
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Arsenal SAM5. Why You Need a 5.56 AK!
The 7.62×39 cartridge, introduced originally in 1943 and chambered in both the RPD Light Machine Gun and the SKS, cemented it’s place in history just a few years later as the cartridge selection for what would become the iconic AK47 Soviet military rifle. Since then, the AK47 has been deployed around the world by militaries, police and civilians in combat, self-defense and sporting roles. [Read more…] about Arsenal SAM5. Why You Need a 5.56 AK!
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Gun Test: Arex Rex Delta 9mm Pistol
The Arex Rex Delta is a fresh design in the striker-fired, polymer-frame field. Dr. Dave Dolbee has visited the ultra-modern Arex (pronounced R-X) plant and found it impressive. As for quality and production as well as human resources, the company is an impressive force in the market. [Read more…] about Gun Test: Arex Rex Delta 9mm Pistol
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FIME’s Premium Fire Control Group Will Enhance Your AK
Did you know that FIME Group, the same company that brought you some of the best Russian AK’s and the Rex pistols, has been making one of the best aftermarket accessories for your AK? The FIME FCG is “Made in the USA” and available for nearly all AK/RPK variant rifles and shotguns. Given the FIME FCG’s design and functionality it both extends the life of your firearm while making it safer to operate (no more accidental second shots or faulty safety selector issues). [Read more…] about FIME’s Premium Fire Control Group Will Enhance Your AK
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Military Arms Channel: Arex Alpha Review
Arex of Slovenia made a big splash with its Arex Rex Zero 1S 9mm pistol a couple years ago. Tim from the Military Arms Channel beat one up pretty good, and it did incredibly well. Fast forward and Arex has a competition model, called the Arex Rex Alpha 9mm pistol. The Alpha is designed to go toe to toe with guns such as the CZ Shadow and STI Edge. This is a video worth watching if you’re in the market for a high end match/target pistol. If you are not, you will be after handling the Alpha. [Read more…] about Military Arms Channel: Arex Alpha Review

Video: Install and Evaluation of the FIME Group FCG AK Trigger
No matter how great the history or performance of the firearm, there is room for improvement. I do not carry a 1913 Colt. I carry the most modern 1911. Those who favor a truly reliable and capable AK rifle, choose the Arsenal. Any rifle will do to hang on the wall, but for those who keep the rifle on hand for extensive shooting or emergency use, the Arsenal is a favorite. Now the bar has been raised with the introduction of the FCG AK Trigger. [Read more…] about Video: Install and Evaluation of the FIME Group FCG AK Trigger

Fire Control for AK Rifles and Shotguns
Do you have an AK rifle or shotgun that you absolutely love, but a trigger that you hate? That has been the dilemma far too many AK owners have faced for years, but it does not have to be. The engineering minds at the FIME Group have been working to create high quality fire control parts that will not only have the potential to up your shooting experience—nothing beats a smooth trigger—but also improve your AK’s accuracy. [Read more…] about Fire Control for AK Rifles and Shotguns