Shooter Fitness
Now, no one is expecting you to go shirtless and get all oiled up to hit the range, but some attention should be paid to your fitness level to help get the best results. [Read more…] about Shooter Fitness
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Research + Development
I haven’t always been a gun advocate. If you were to call me anti-gun for much of the first half of my life, you would not get any objections from my end. It was not until halfway through my university stint that my attitudes towards firearms changed. [Read more…] about Research + Development
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Vehicle Concealed Carry
Presumably, you would wear your concealed, defensive handgun somewhere on you that would be the most comfortable and allow easy access in the case of an immediate need. What happens though, when you climb into your car or truck and that weapon is in a position that just isn’t practical? [Read more…] about Vehicle Concealed Carry
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