Tree Stands 3 – It’s All in the Details
A well-placed tree stand can provide a better view of your surroundings, keep you out of the sightlines of your prey and provide great positioning for the ideal shot. This doesn’t all happen on its own though, and you’ll have to pay attention to where and how you position yourself. [Read more…] about Tree Stands 3 – It’s All in the Details
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Tree Stand Hunting 2 (Location, Location, Location)
As we know, tree stands are an essential tool for hunters to create an advantage in their pursuit of game, and knowing where to set up is a key component in optimizing your chances of success out in the field. [Read more…] about Tree Stand Hunting 2 (Location, Location, Location)
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Tree Stand Basics
Whether you prefer to use a rifle or a bow, deer hunting season is a great time of year. Spending quality time outdoors is always beneficial – but it’s your experience, technique and having the right gear that will all help to successfully fill that tag. [Read more…] about Tree Stand Basics
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Hunting Safety
Whether you’re searching for the ultimate trophy or just looking to fill your freezer, hunting excursions should always be as safe as you can make them. [Read more…] about Hunting Safety
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Rifle Hunting Accuracy
Ever been on a hunt and have a situation where you think you’ve got your target perfectly lined up through the trees and then missed that one perfect shot? Well, you’re not alone. [Read more…] about Rifle Hunting Accuracy
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Whitetail Deer — Opening Day Strategies
All summer long you watch deer; they seem to be everywhere. Then, the season starts and there you are, alone, and not a buck to be found. For years, I wondered whether the deer had received a copy of the hunting regulations and simply knew when to go underground. Later, it made sense. Scouting is heaviest in the days and weeks before the season starts. The deer feel the pressure just before the hunt begins. That is simply the nature of the game, but there are a few strategies to up your odds on opening day. [Read more…] about Whitetail Deer — Opening Day Strategies
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Mentoring: Her First Deer Hunt
We had been talking about going hunting for 6 months. It all started one night when I opened the freezer and asked my girlfriend what she wanted for tomorrow’s dinner. She pointed at a freezer bag of “beef” and asked, pot roast? I replied that the roast in question would probably make a better venison roast. Her eyes got big; she smiled, and then asked if all that meat was venison? The conversation sidetracked into a discussion about deer and hunting, and how she had always kind of wanted to hunt, but no one was ever willing to take her. [Read more…] about Mentoring: Her First Deer Hunt
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Review: Ruger American .450 Bushmaster — The Deer Slayer’s Rifle
Many of us can trace back at least one of our first shooting experiences to a Ruger firearm. Typically, it’s a Ruger 10/22 (.22 Long Rifle). This was the case for me back in the 1980s. I’ve always respected Ruger as a quality/affordable manufacturer. However, I really hadn’t shot anything new from Ruger until two years ago when I bought my wife a Ruger LCP (.380) as her CCW gun. This all began when I was introduced to the marketing team at Ruger. I was particularly interested in its Ruger American .450 Bushmaster. Not only is this caliber gaining popularity in Michigan and Ohio for deer hunters, but it’s quickly becoming popular with guides and hunters across the U.S. [Read more…] about Review: Ruger American .450 Bushmaster — The Deer Slayer’s Rifle

Deer Hunters: Don’t Give Away Your Power
Elite deer hunters employ a carefully planned scent-control regimen to maintain an advantage over a whitetail’s incredible nose. When properly executed, the rewards include closer shots and more opportunities. [Read more…] about Deer Hunters: Don’t Give Away Your Power