Gun Test: Charter Arms Professional .32 H&R Magnum
The Charter Arms Professional is a small-frame revolver with a three-inch barrel, hand-filling grips, double-action/single-action mechanism, good sights, seven-shot cylinder, and a nice finish. Open the cylinder by pushing the cylinder release forward, and you will see a seven-shot cylinder chambered in .32 H&R Magnum. The pistol uses the classic Charter Arms steel frame, but the finish is a modern black nitride. I cannot see any problem with the durability of this finish. [Read more…] about Gun Test: Charter Arms Professional .32 H&R Magnum
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Range Report: Rossi RS22 Rifle
Like many of you I fired my first shots with a .22 rifle. It was some time before my grandfather allowed me to graduate from a single shot .22 to a self-loading rifle. The .22 self-loader is a great, all-around plinking, small game hunting, and training rifle. In many rural areas the .22 rifle is the first line of defense against predators both bipedal and quadraped. [Read more…] about Range Report: Rossi RS22 Rifle
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The New, Less Expensive Ruger 10/22
Hard on the heels of the Ruger Wrangler revolver, Ruger has introduced a more affordable version of the 10/22 self-loading rifle. The new rifle, SKU 31139, is intended to retail for less than $200. This is the same reliable 18.5-barrel 4.5-pound rifle as before, but without sights and a rather plain vanilla plastic stock. A sight rail is included. [Read more…] about The New, Less Expensive Ruger 10/22
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Let’s Go Plinking! — A Boy and His .22 Rifle
While not as long in the tooth as some, I have fond memories from childhood, plinking my way through the hills and forests. Pinecones were trophy bucks, man-eating tigers, and unsuspecting enemy soldiers. The end of a branch or piece of hanging fruit were no safer, most were members of a hostile Indian tribe unlucky enough to have crossed paths the Duke and me. [Read more…] about Let’s Go Plinking! — A Boy and His .22 Rifle
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CZ 455 Varmint and Trainer .22 LR Rifles
I fired my first .22 caliber rifle at perhaps 10 years old. I have been through many rifles always upgrading the .22. The .22 offers excellent economy and is the place where we should all start. The .22 is also the place we should go when we are having marksmanship issues. Today, one of my favorite .22 LR offerings is the CZ 455 series. [Read more…] about CZ 455 Varmint and Trainer .22 LR Rifles

Review: Fiocchi 22 LR — First Class Plinking and Hunting
When I am shooting on my own time and my own dime, most of the shooting is that pastime called plinking—most often with Fiocchi 22 LR. I am fortunate to have plenty of dirt clods on a berm and I also use clay birds. I do not use the time proven tin can so much these days. I use paper because Birchwood Casey offers so many variations. [Read more…] about Review: Fiocchi 22 LR — First Class Plinking and Hunting