San Francisco Declares NRA a Domestic Terrorist Organization
Two editorial columns at opposite sides of the country just drew a line that even the San Francisco Board of Supervisors should be able to see after their unanimous approval of a resolution earlier this week declaring the National Rifle Association a “domestic terrorist organization.” [Read more…] about San Francisco Declares NRA a Domestic Terrorist Organization
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The NRA Asks You to Stand With It for 2A Rights
The National Rifle Association (NRA) has suffered from its own internal struggles as of late, as well as the optics, if not the actual facts, of its previous actions. Many of these issues have been due to recent events, but on a recent K-Var podcast, the NRA’s hand in gun control against blacks was also discussed. The NRA, as with any major organization, is far from perfect. [Read more…] about The NRA Asks You to Stand With It for 2A Rights
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Universal Background Checks — Rights or Privileges?
Capitol Hill Democrats woke up Wednesday champing at the bit to pass an invasive, sweeping piece of legislation—H.R. 8, the “Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2019”—Democrats in the “other Washington” (Washington state) are also pushing several stricter gun control measures. The overall national anti-gun push is leading many to wonder if the Democrat party has forgotten the difference between “rights” and “privileges,” or whether Democrat lawmakers just doesn’t care. [Read more…] about Universal Background Checks — Rights or Privileges?
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Bipartisan Bill to Repeal WA Gun Control
Ten Republicans and one Democrat have signed onto a bipartisan bill in the Washington State House of Representatives aimed at repealing the controversial gun control Initiative 1639. The 30-page measure was passed by the voters in November 2018. Currently, a majority of county sheriffs, at least one police chief, and two county commissions have come against the measure and refused to enforce its oppressive, and potentially unconstitutional, mandates. [Read more…] about Bipartisan Bill to Repeal WA Gun Control
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Washington State: Testing Grounds for Liberal Gun Control
Washington state is just one of the test beds for new laws that seek to redefine the Second Amendment and strip of us of common firearms in everyday use. Washington state’s new laws have went so far as to broadly define most any semi-automatic rifle as a so-called “assault weapon.” This would include rifles such as the Ruger 10/22. [Read more…] about Washington State: Testing Grounds for Liberal Gun Control
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Anti-Gunners Sounding ‘Taps’ Over the NRA as Florida Battle Looms?
Buried in a Tuesday Politico story about the National Rifle Association’s (NRA) declining revenues, and possibly failing political influence, is a stunning acknowledgement that just might account for the organization’s ability to cheat the undertaker. [Read more…] about Anti-Gunners Sounding ‘Taps’ Over the NRA as Florida Battle Looms?
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WA Anti-Gunners Show How to Dismantle Preemption, Ban Semi-Autos
Second Amendment advocates from one coast to the other should be paying close attention to what is happening in Washington state, which has become a test tube for anti-gunners now laying the framework to dismantle state preemption statutes and ban semiautomatic firearms, and it can be traced to King County, where the Board of Health recently adopted a regulation in clear defiance of the state’s 35-year-old preemption law. [Read more…] about WA Anti-Gunners Show How to Dismantle Preemption, Ban Semi-Autos
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