Illinois FOID Second Amendment Case Appealed
A very interesting Second Amendment case has developed in the Illinois state court system. The case challenges the requirement to qualify for, pay for, and have in possession, an Illinois Firearm Owner Identification card (FOID), to legally possess a firearm in the home for the purposes of self defense. The case is very clear. The Illinois court ruled the requirement to have an FOID was unconstitutional. [Read more…] about Illinois FOID Second Amendment Case Appealed
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Murderer or Gun: Where Does the Fault Belong in Illinois?
Was it the gun’s fault when a disgruntled employee murdered five of his fellow coworkers and wounded five responding police officers? Who will the anti-gunners blame—the shooter who had been convicted of multiple violent crimes and served time in prison, the authorities that made it possible for him to “legally” buy the gun, or the gun? [Read more…] about Murderer or Gun: Where Does the Fault Belong in Illinois?
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