Firearm Sales Are High, Prices Are Generally Low
The National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) checks for February 2020 have broken all the previous records for the month, with 2,776,380 checks. This signifies very little, because more than half of the NICS checks are for carry permits and carry permit rechecks. That leaves us with the question of how to calculate the numbers of firearm sales. Fortunately, it is not that hard. [Read more…] about Firearm Sales Are High, Prices Are Generally Low
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Florida Referendum on Semi-Autos Fails to Get Needed Signatures
Finally, a win for the good guys—for now. Well, maybe not so fast… The Florida referendum to ban common rifles and shotguns as “assault weapons” has indeed failed to gather enough signatures to appear on the 2020 ballot. However, that does no mean the fight is over. These signatures are good for up to two years and can still be used against the Second Amendment in the future. [Read more…] about Florida Referendum on Semi-Autos Fails to Get Needed Signatures
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Illinois FOID Second Amendment Case Appealed
A very interesting Second Amendment case has developed in the Illinois state court system. The case challenges the requirement to qualify for, pay for, and have in possession, an Illinois Firearm Owner Identification card (FOID), to legally possess a firearm in the home for the purposes of self defense. The case is very clear. The Illinois court ruled the requirement to have an FOID was unconstitutional. [Read more…] about Illinois FOID Second Amendment Case Appealed
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New Mexico Republicans: People to Overturn Anti-Second Amendment Law
New Mexico’s Second Amendment supporters are doing more than passing Second Amendment sanctuary resolutions. The New Mexico Republicans are leading a movement to repeal the anti-Second Amendment law using the power of the people. [Read more…] about New Mexico Republicans: People to Overturn Anti-Second Amendment Law
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Kentucky Passes Constitutional Carry!
On Friday, 1 March, 2019, Constitutional Carry, SB 150, passed the Kentucky House with a vote of 60-37. On 14 February, two weeks earlier, SB 150 passed the Kentucky Senate, 29-8. The bill was watched intently by Second Amendment supporters. It passed the House just before 1 p.m. When Governor Bevin signs SB150 into law, Kentucky will become the third state this year to pass a Constitutional Carry, or “permitless” carry bill in 2019. Kentucky will become the 16th state with Constitutional Carry. [Read more…] about Kentucky Passes Constitutional Carry!
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Gun Buybacks: Money Wasted or Well Spent?
Would you spend $500 for a gun? It depends on the gun right? Let’s rephrase the question. Would you pay $500 for a gun, sight unseen, condition and working order unknown? Of course not, and to be fair, the City of Maryland didn’t either. However, $500 is what the math worked out to for a bunch of guns mostly from elderly widows, or guns with little actual value anyway. [Read more…] about Gun Buybacks: Money Wasted or Well Spent?
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Study: No Relationship Between CCW, Homicide, and Violent Crime
A new study of violent crime and concealed carry law found no correlation between the two. The study compared homicide and violent crime rates, at the state level, due to changes in concealed carry laws over a 30-year period—from 1986 to 2015. During this period, there were significant changes to the laws regulating the carry of concealed firearms. From the study:
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Study: Mass Shootings Doubled by Media Coverage
A paper presented to the American Psychological Association (APA) found the number of mass killings, rampage killings, or mass shootings, may be doubled by irresponsible media aggrandizement of mass killers. The desire for fame was found to be one of the main motivators of these rampage killers. From apa.org: [Read more…] about Study: Mass Shootings Doubled by Media Coverage
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Video: Defense Distributed Under New Leadership
At a news conference in Austin, Texas, Paloma Heindorff announced that she has taken the position of Director at Defense Distributed now that Cody Wilson has resigned the post amid his legal troubles over alleged sex with a 16-year-old prostitute. The press conference has become global news. Defense Distributed has always been adept at beating the establishment media. They posted the entire new conference online at Youtube the same day. It is worth watching. The video is reasonably short, at 19:37 minutes Youtube has a history of taking down Defense Distributed videos. [Read more…] about Video: Defense Distributed Under New Leadership
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May Issue Sham Continues as Hawaii Files for En Banc Hearing
On 24 July, 2018, a three-judge panel of the Ninth Circuit upheld the right to bear arms outside the home. As expected, the State of Hawaii waited until the last possible day, then filed a petition for the Ninth Circuit to hear the case en banc, that is, by the whole court. [Read more…] about May Issue Sham Continues as Hawaii Files for En Banc Hearing
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Law Enforcement and Open Carry — A Good Interaction
After an injury a couple of years ago, and a serious case of pneumonia, I have changed exercise from running to brisk walking. Recently, I spent a couple of months in Middleton, Wisconsin. Most of my walking in the area started about 0500, but on Monday, July 9, I had stayed up late, coming back from a play at American Player’s Theater in Spring Green, Wisconsin. I slept in. I didn’t get out to exercise until after 0800. It was a mistake. Instead of a few cars along the route I was walking, it was a minor rush hour north of Lake Mendota. As usual, I was open carry. [Read more…] about Law Enforcement and Open Carry — A Good Interaction