Tacoma to Seattle: Hold My Beer!
Seattle’s southern neighbor, Tacoma, Washington, is going to weigh a plan that’s already proven to be a failed policy. But since its anti-gun, city council members think it is worth adopting. City Councilman Ryan Mello proposed that Tacoma adopt Seattle’s so-called “gun violence tax” plan that would levy a $25 tax on firearms, a two-cent-per-round tax on .22-caliber or less, or five-cent-per-round for all other ammunition that’s sold at retail. [Read more…] about Tacoma to Seattle: Hold My Beer!
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Gun Control Push Exploits Tragedy
Even before Seattle Police investigators have been able to determine a motive for Wednesday’s wild shooting spree in the Seattle’s Lake City neighborhood, a member of the Seattle City Council tweeted, “We must have stronger gun control laws,” as if one more law might have prevented the chaos. [Read more…] about Gun Control Push Exploits Tragedy
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Washington State: Testing Grounds for Liberal Gun Control
Washington state is just one of the test beds for new laws that seek to redefine the Second Amendment and strip of us of common firearms in everyday use. Washington state’s new laws have went so far as to broadly define most any semi-automatic rifle as a so-called “assault weapon.” This would include rifles such as the Ruger 10/22. [Read more…] about Washington State: Testing Grounds for Liberal Gun Control
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FL vs. WA — Crime Control vs. Gun Control
The Florida commission created to investigate the mass shooting at a Broward County high school in which 17 students and adults died last Feb. 14 dropped a bombshell recommendation that vetted volunteer and trained teachers be allowed to carry guns on campus, USA Today has confirmed. [Read more…] about FL vs. WA — Crime Control vs. Gun Control
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WA Anti-Gunners Show How to Dismantle Preemption, Ban Semi-Autos
Second Amendment advocates from one coast to the other should be paying close attention to what is happening in Washington state, which has become a test tube for anti-gunners now laying the framework to dismantle state preemption statutes and ban semiautomatic firearms, and it can be traced to King County, where the Board of Health recently adopted a regulation in clear defiance of the state’s 35-year-old preemption law. [Read more…] about WA Anti-Gunners Show How to Dismantle Preemption, Ban Semi-Autos
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Armed Good Guys: Witnesses a Murder, Holds Attacker at Gunpoint
News stories of civilian self-defense seldom receive adequate media coverage. After all, armed good guys stopping violent felons does not make headlines like the lives of innocents being taken. Bias and agendas play their part, but the media does not cover an event that did not happen, such as a case where a good guy stopped a violent event before it it resulted in the loss of innocent life. However, these are exactly the type of stories we need to highlight to educate non gun owners before they head to the voting booth. [Read more…] about Armed Good Guys: Witnesses a Murder, Holds Attacker at Gunpoint
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Second Amendment Activists are Furious as I-1639 Passes in Washington
Gun control Initiative I-1639 passed handily in Washington State, leaving Second Amendment activists furious, aiming at least part of their wrath at lethargic gun owners who evidently did not vote, and planning their next moves, which could involve lots of time in court, and lots of money for attorneys. [Read more…] about Second Amendment Activists are Furious as I-1639 Passes in Washington
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Armed Good Guys: ‘I Don’t Want to Die This Way’
News stories of civilian self-defense seldom receive adequate media coverage. After all, armed good guys stopping violent felons does not make headlines like the lives of innocents being taken. Bias and agendas play their part, but the media does not cover an event that did not happen, such as a case where a good guy stopped a violent event before it it resulted in the loss of innocent life. However, these are exactly the type of stories we need to highlight to educate non gun owners before they head to the voting booth. [Read more…] about Armed Good Guys: ‘I Don’t Want to Die This Way’
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WA Preemption Law Faces Political Opposition
Things are heating up in King County, Wash., where the County Council is expected to join an effort by at least two local city governments to adopt regulations that challenge the Evergreen State’s long-standing preemption statute. The statute forbids local governments from passing their own gun control laws, by approving a proposal put forth by Councilman Joe McDermott. [Read more…] about WA Preemption Law Faces Political Opposition
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