Get Triggered! FIME Enhanced Fire Control Group
Many factors contribute to the accuracy of a rifle, be it major components with a tangible impact, such as the barrel itself and the ammunition we feed it, or more subtle nuances that effect harmonics. No matter the element, having confidence when it comes to shot placement is paramount to any shooter. Today I want to talk about a piece of the puzzle that is crucial not only to the accuracy of your rifle, but to every aspect of the direct shooter interface, the trigger. [Read more…] about Get Triggered! FIME Enhanced Fire Control Group
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FIME’s Premium Fire Control Group Will Enhance Your AK
Did you know that FIME Group, the same company that brought you some of the best Russian AK’s and the Rex pistols, has been making one of the best aftermarket accessories for your AK? The FIME FCG is “Made in the USA” and available for nearly all AK/RPK variant rifles and shotguns. Given the FIME FCG’s design and functionality it both extends the life of your firearm while making it safer to operate (no more accidental second shots or faulty safety selector issues). [Read more…] about FIME’s Premium Fire Control Group Will Enhance Your AK
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Tricking Out Your AR-15
While it is unlikely that your AR-15 will ever see combat, that does not mean it shouldn’t be considered something worthy of betting your life on. Firearm prices are currently down, so now is the time to buy the AR you have had your eye on, or stock up with a few bargain deals and build them with your favorite accessories. Here are a few ideas to start your upgrade list. [Read more…] about Tricking Out Your AR-15
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AK47 Parts and Accessories at Blowout Prices!
When people talk about The End Of The World As We Know It (TEOTWAWKI) and SHTF (‘Sugar’ Hit The Fan) scenarios, it’s commonplace to consider what firearms you’ll need. The debate is eternal over which gun or guns would be most useful, but the ultra-reliable AK47 is at or near the top of any credible, well-reasoned list. While an AK is a good start, it is only a start. [Read more…] about AK47 Parts and Accessories at Blowout Prices!