DOJ Ruling: Bump Stocks are Machine Guns
Bump stocks have been on the hit list for some time now. Not because they are intrinsically dangerous in the hands of hundreds of thousands of gun owners, but because one miscreant, a murderer, decided to use one in a horrific crime. Politicians and anti gunners, as usual, have decided to blame the implement and not the criminal. As a result, under the direction of President trump, the Department of Justice has reclassified bump stocks as machine guns. The ruling becomes official when it is placed on the Federal Register, likely this Friday, December 21, 2018. At that time, it will kick off a 90-day clock to either destroy or surrender your scapegoat bump stocks. [Read more…] about DOJ Ruling: Bump Stocks are Machine Guns
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GOA: Voice Your Outrage Over the ATF’s Threat to AR-15s
There is now less than two weeks left to comment, and voice your outrage, on ATF’s proposed regulations ban on bump stocks and semi-autos. For starters, the proposed regulations would ban bump stocks outright—and turn gun owners who fail to comply as instant felons. It would do this by classifying bump stocks as “machineguns.” And, under the Hughes Amendment (18 U.S.C. 922(o)), every “machinegun” manufactured after May, 1986, is banned for civilian use with no grandfather clause or grace period.
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Outrage: Boulder Violates 2A, 5A, 14A, and CO Constitution
Although you may not be surprised by the location, you should still be concerned by the action. Boulder Colorado recently joined the totalitarian regimes of California, Washington, Chicago and New York City when it passed an ordinance banning so-called ‘assault weapons’ in addition to bump stocks. While that is ludicrous on it face, Boulder’s definition of of assault weapon is even worse. [Read more…] about Outrage: Boulder Violates 2A, 5A, 14A, and CO Constitution

ATF Lays Groundwork to Classify Bump-Stocks As MACHINEGUNS
On Friday, March 23, 2018, Attorney General Sessions announced that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) is seeking to classify bump-stocks as machineguns. The Notice has not yet been published in the Federal Register, but it is available on DOJ’s website. If adopted, the rules will amend ATF’s regulations to “clarify” the terms “single function of the trigger,” “automatically,” and “machinegun” as follows: [Read more…] about ATF Lays Groundwork to Classify Bump-Stocks As MACHINEGUNS

Tar and Feathers for Anti-Gun Senators
What happened when about a dozen Florida state senators supported a sweeping gun control bill? Simple, the people started letting them know how they felt about the vote by sending jars of tar and feathers to express their displeasure with the vote. However, that is not all that was sent. [Read more…] about Tar and Feathers for Anti-Gun Senators

Trump Backs Federal Gun Background Checks
I was writing a post, wondering if Trump would throw gun owners under the bus, then a news bulletin popped up to say he already had. He has instructed Attorney General Jeff Sessions to ban bump stocks and trigger devices. So, the question we need to ask is simple, “Is this a delaying action to keep the gun grabbers at bay, or the start of a total sell out?” I am sure the title of this story alone may be enough to raise gun owners’ hackles. Is President Trump going to make a deal favoring gun control? What about his promises to never go against the Second Amendment during the election and NRA convention? [Read more…] about Trump Backs Federal Gun Background Checks

Overwhelming Opposition to Bump Stock Ban
While the Washington State Legislature appears determined to ban “bump stock” devices, a move supported by newspaper editorials including one in the Daily Olympian, there appears to be overwhelming opposition to a bump stock ban, both in the Evergreen State and across the country. [Read more…] about Overwhelming Opposition to Bump Stock Ban

Hawaii Pushes New Gun Control — Triggers
It’s not about mass shooting or crimes involving firearms. It’s all about unreasoned gun control though. A democrat from Hawaii has once again proposed a new piece of legislation that would not solve a single problem, but once again tramples on the Second Amendment rights of its citizens. [Read more…] about Hawaii Pushes New Gun Control — Triggers