Democratic Debate Groupthink Drinks From the Same Dated Ideas
Call it gun control brain freeze. The Democratic presidential candidates pained themselves into contortions on the New Hampshire debate stage last week in what was clearly symptomatic of sucking on the straw of the same ice-cold talking point concoctions. It hurts the head just thinking about it. [Read more…] about Democratic Debate Groupthink Drinks From the Same Dated Ideas
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Bloomberg: Anti-Gun Supreme Court Packing Agenda
Democratic presidential candidate New York Billionaire Michael Bloomberg is attempting to claw his way up from the bottom of the 2020 Presidential polls by promising to pack the Supreme Court with “pro-gun control judges” if elected president. [Read more…] about Bloomberg: Anti-Gun Supreme Court Packing Agenda
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Record NICS Checks Show Americans are Voting for Guns
There’s no denying it: Americans still value gun ownership. The total number of firearm background checks conducted on Nov. 29, 2019, was 202,465. That is the second-highest single day for the FBI National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) in history, dating back to 1998 when NICS was implemented. It also represents an 11 percent increase over last year’s Black Friday total. [Read more…] about Record NICS Checks Show Americans are Voting for Guns
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House Democrats Focus on Straws, not Solutions
As the argument surrounding gun control and the Second Amendment occupies daily space in the mainstream media as anti-gun zealots — especially House Democrats — resort to increasingly outlandish claims in order to get the attention they seek. Most recently, U.S. Rep. Cedric Richmond (D-La.) compared the current campaign to force new gun restrictions through Congress to efforts by some state and local governments to ban plastic straws. [Read more…] about House Democrats Focus on Straws, not Solutions
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Tacoma to Seattle: Hold My Beer!
Seattle’s southern neighbor, Tacoma, Washington, is going to weigh a plan that’s already proven to be a failed policy. But since its anti-gun, city council members think it is worth adopting. City Councilman Ryan Mello proposed that Tacoma adopt Seattle’s so-called “gun violence tax” plan that would levy a $25 tax on firearms, a two-cent-per-round tax on .22-caliber or less, or five-cent-per-round for all other ammunition that’s sold at retail. [Read more…] about Tacoma to Seattle: Hold My Beer!
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When Gun Control Fantasies Go Off the Reservation
Politicians making sweeping promises they can’t keep is nothing new on the campaign trail. The vitriol as of late — assigning blame for the horrific crimes of sick and twisted individuals to the firearms industry – is something that has become, unfortunately, predictable. It’s part of the political gamesmanship from those who don’t understand our industry or respect our rights or the values for which our industry stands. [Read more…] about When Gun Control Fantasies Go Off the Reservation
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The Democrats Really are Coming for Your Guns
What a difference three years makes. The first primary debates showed us just how far the Democrats have drifted on Second Amendment rights. Anti-gun politicians were once coy about their goals—that’s not so true today. President Barack Obama told PBS’s Gwen Ifill during a town hall in 2016, “And at no point have I ever, ever proposed confiscating guns from responsible gun owners. So it’s just not true.” Now the presumed front-runner, former Vice President Joe Biden has put the entire firearms manufacturing industry in his crosshairs. “Our enemy is the gun manufacturers, not the NRA, the gun manufacturers,” Biden said. [Read more…] about The Democrats Really are Coming for Your Guns
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NSSF: Survey Shows Disconnect Between Rhetoric and Reality
Headlines over the past few weeks have centered around the top priority for incoming Democratic House leadership: gun control. Reading these, one would think that members of the new House majority were elected with a mandate to make it harder for law-abiding citizens to purchase and possess firearms. A new Gallup survey shows that the Democrats’ rhetoric is far from reality. [Read more…] about NSSF: Survey Shows Disconnect Between Rhetoric and Reality
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NPR: Education Department Report Inflates School Incidents
Larry Keane of the National Shooting Sports Foundation recently penned and article that covered an NPR report debunking the U.S. Department of Education’s Civil Rights Data Collection report which claimed there were nearly 240 schools that reported at least one school-related shooting in the 2015-2016 school year. It turns out, NPR could only confirm a total of 11 incidents. [Read more…] about NPR: Education Department Report Inflates School Incidents
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Women Top New Concealed Carry Licensees
For gun control advocates, any discussion of concealed carry reciprocity is already over. If they have anything to say about it, you will have no such right. Across America, meanwhile, a growing segment of gun owners aren’t talking about gun rights. They’re acting. [Read more…] about Women Top New Concealed Carry Licensees

Retired Supreme Court Justice Calls for Second Amendment Repeal
In the November 2016 election, gun-owning Americans turned out to tell the nation that their rights mattered. The election that prevented Hillary Clinton from entering the Oval Office also stopped her from packing the Supreme Court with justices who are hostile to the Second Amendment. [Read more…] about Retired Supreme Court Justice Calls for Second Amendment Repeal