Situational Awareness – Keep Your Head Up
There are certain places and times when it’s good to have an acute sense of what’s going on around you, in order to avoid potential risks to yourself and others. Situational awareness is a skill (and a habit) that helps to focus your attention on your surroundings and hopefully allows you to be better prepared for, or avoid, nasty encounters with those who may wish to do you harm. [Read more…] about Situational Awareness – Keep Your Head Up
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Center Mass Targeting
I had a police officer buddy lament recently that there had been some public push back on a shooting where a man had been wounded in a gunfire exchange during a robbery. He’d been hit in the chest (and will survive), but the talk was centered around the old ‘why couldn’t you just shoot him in the leg’ question. Not the first time that this one has come up and it probably won’t be the last.
[Read more…] about Center Mass Targeting
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Patriot Games
So now what?
I wish I knew. But, one thing is becoming increasingly clear; dissent is on the menu, and I don’t foresee it being out of order for quite some time.
Something is rotten in Denmark when it comes to how things went down starting on Tuesday, November 3rd. If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, then what is it? [Read more…] about Patriot Games
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Arm Yourselves. Things Are About To Get Wild.
And here we are. In less than twenty-four hours, the polls will open, and millions of Americans will have their say as to who the next President of the United States will be.
The past week or so, I have been delving into media coverage of this showdown, flipping between CNN’s coverage and Fox News. It is daunting at times, as the spin doctors and powers that be continue to weave agendas through the countless talking heads they hire to orate desired scripts. Narratives are pushed from both camps, and finding anything of substance is often a crapshoot. [Read more…] about Arm Yourselves. Things Are About To Get Wild.
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