Firearm Sales Are High, Prices Are Generally Low
The National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) checks for February 2020 have broken all the previous records for the month, with 2,776,380 checks. This signifies very little, because more than half of the NICS checks are for carry permits and carry permit rechecks. That leaves us with the question of how to calculate the numbers of firearm sales. Fortunately, it is not that hard. [Read more…] about Firearm Sales Are High, Prices Are Generally Low
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March NICS Checks Spiked, SAF Credits ‘Gun Control Hysteria’
A spike in the number of initiated background checks in March, via the FBI’s National Instant Check System (NICS), reflects a significant increase in the number of people apparently interested in buying guns, and a major gun rights organization is crediting the wave of gun control hysteria following the shooting tragedy at a Florida high school. [Read more…] about March NICS Checks Spiked, SAF Credits ‘Gun Control Hysteria’

The Truth Behind Why Your Rights are Under Attack
Currently, the Second Amendment in general, and specifically the rights of millions of young Americans, are under assault. Why? Presumably, because of the actions of the single 19-year-old who committed mass murder in Parkland, Florida. While the shooter was an adult at the time and responsible for his actions, the government is more than a little culpable in setting the stage to allow this tragedy to happen. [Read more…] about The Truth Behind Why Your Rights are Under Attack