Ride the Federal 224 Valkyrie!
The Federal 224 Valkyrie! Traditionalists will howl: “Another unnecessary creation! It doesn’t do anything a half-dozen rifle cartridges don’t already do.” They are wrong! What the Valkyrie does is keep a .224 bullet stabilized and supersonic to 1,000 yards or slightly beyond. If I’m not mistaken, no other commercially loaded .224 centerfire currently does that. This makes the 224 Valkyrie a potential, long-range, Precision Rifle Series round that promises better than average barrel life and virtually no recoil compared to the 6.5 Creedmoor. Handload it and the small powder capacity of the Valkyrie case (roughly 24 grains of powder) combined with smaller bullets should keep costs down, too. [Read more…] about Ride the Federal 224 Valkyrie!