An Accident By Any Other Name
There was an incident in our area recently where someone at a range narrowly missed hitting their instructor with an accidental shot from their handgun. That’s how it was reported. The shot was unintentional for sure, but accidental maybe not so much. [Read more…] about An Accident By Any Other Name
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Hot Weather Shooting
Temperatures are rising and it’s time to be aware of what that heat can do to your weapons and your ammo. Aside from the basic safety practices that help to keep you and those around you safe – what and how you shoot will dictate how much attention you need to pay to the warmer weather. [Read more…] about Hot Weather Shooting
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Fear Always Leads to Compliance
In December of 2019, the first stories broke about a new strain of virus ravaging mainland China. Videos of individuals falling flat on their faces leaked, dead as disco. Such imagery was only the beginning of the barrage of fear pumped into our veins. [Read more…] about Fear Always Leads to Compliance
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