Close Quarter Shooting Part 2
In one of our blogs a few months ago we talked about shooting handguns at close quarters and introduced a bit of a reality-check on some of the elements involved. Here’s what we know:
- Personal attacks requiring a defensive response typically happen VERY quickly
- It’s easy to underestimate the fear and stress that a real-life defensive situation can cause
- Actions will almost always be faster than reactions
- Your decision-making and reaction time are likely slower than you think
- Most consider ‘close quarters’ to be within 6 feet from an aggressor – consider though that studies have shown that an average person (not an Olympic sprinter) can cover up to 22 feet of distance in about 3 seconds
No need to re-hash the details, but we know these facts to be true. [Read more…] about Close Quarter Shooting Part 2
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Don’t Be A Victim
Here’s the thing; I haven’t always been a gun advocate. After the school shooting at Columbine in 1999, I adopted the view most liberals still cling to; gun reform is necessary for our country, and long overdue. Then, during my senior year in college, something happened that altered my paradigm entirely.
I was out with fraternity brothers at a local bar celebrating the end of finals. There were eight of us drinking our problems away like countless Coeds before us. This night occurred in the early 2000s to give you a frame of reference. Nothing was out of the ordinary for the first few hours, but right around eleven, things went south and changed my lens forever.
[Read more…] about Don’t Be A Victim
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